A Loving Home

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I sigh contentedly as I sit in the hot bath, the bubbles nearly overflowing as I lean back, savouring the relaxation. I hear our front door open, and Eddie calls out "Y/N, I'm home!"

"In here!" I shout back.

The door to the bathroom opens and Eddie casually walks in, pausing as he watches me. "You're having a bath without me, rude." He grins as he sits on the edge of the bath, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of my head.

"You took too long, how was band practice?" I ask, leaning my head back as I look into his eyes. He shrugs and takes off his rings one by one, setting them on the sink.

"Okay, nothing new, but I don't wanna talk about me, how was your day?" He softly asks as I watch him in confusion.

"It was okay, work kicked my ass though." I laugh, causing the water to ripple, Eddie smiles and gets onto his knees beside the bath, dipping his fingers into the water.

"Jesus, you having a bath with Satan or something? This is boiling!"

I smile, flicking some bubbles at him. Eddie quickly leans forward, nibbling the tips of my fingers playfully which makes me giggle.

"Lean forward, I wanna wash your hair for you." He murmurs, plucking up some of my hair, I go to shake my head, but he looks at me with those puppy dog eyes of his, so I sigh and sit up.

Eddie whistles so I flip him off, making him chuckle before he scoops up some water and gently trickles it onto my head. His hand covers my eyes as he wets my hair, taking his time to make sure it's all wet. He then grabs my shampoo and sniffs it, pulling a funny face before rubbing some between his hands and carefully managing my scalp.

I groan at the feeling, smiling as I tilt my head back, in the corner of my eye I see his tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrates. "Is this okay?" He murmurs. I nod, so he keeps going until it's ready to rinse.

Eddie does the same as before, scooping up water and washing out the shampoo thoroughly, his fingers careful when he reaches tangles in my hair.

"Thank you, I don't remember the last time someone washed my hair for me, I forgot how nice it feels." I quietly mumble, leaning over the edge of the bath to press a kiss to Eddie's cheek.

He smiles and stands up, "I'm gonna go put dinner in the oven, come out when you're ready."

I nod, slightly anxious that he'll burn the house down, but I'm learning to trust him with these things. Some time later I come out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and sleepy, my favourite pyjamas on as I walk into the kitchen.

Eddie's in the middle of dishing up lasagne, the table has a lit candle on it and there's a red rose where I usually sit. I pluck it up, smelling the floral scent, smiling.

"You're too good for me Eddie." I say as he places my plate down in front of me, surprisingly dinner isn't burnt.

"I think it's the other way around sweetheart, you do so much for me I wanted to do something nice for you." He replies, sitting down opposite me.

We begin talking, enjoying each others company over a nice meal and in a loving home.

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