I Could Take You On

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"He's such a dick," Eddie sighs as he flops onto my bed, I turn from where I'm rummaging through my school bag, "and it's for no reason. Maybe he's just jealous of my beauty." Eddie chuckles to himself.

I frown and drop my bag, walking to Eddie I pause between his legs as he looks up at me with one eyebrow quirked in question. "I could beat him up for you, you know, bruise his ego."

Eddie stares at me for a second before bursting into a fit of giggles. I cross my arms as I purse my lips, backing away from him. Eddie stops after a few moments when he notices I'm not laughing too. "Sweetheart," Eddie gently coos, getting up and grabbing my arm for me to face him. I stare up at him as he smirks, "the only thing you'll bruise is those sweet little hands of yours."

I scoff, my lips tilt into a small smile, "I bet I could take you on in a fight." I playfully say, Eddie bites back a smile, nodding sarcastically as if I'm a child.

I quickly bare my teeth and attempt a war cry before Eddie has time to react, I jump onto him as he falls backwards onto my bed yet again, I reach for his hands to pin them above his head but Eddie resists, chuckling as he wraps his legs around my waist and rolls so I'm underneath him.

He peers down at me, leaning back a little so his knees rest on either side of my hips. I buck but it's no use, Eddie is like a brick wall, instead I reach up and try to push Eddie away, but his hands grab my wrists as he holds them above my head. I'm completely at his mercy.

"That's not fair," I whine as I wriggle and try to escape his caging body, "You're not supposed to have such quick reactions."

Eddie grins as he raises his eyebrows, "Am I not? Shouldn't you be glad to know I can defend myself?" He teases, Eddie leans down and gently presses kisses along my jawline, so I turn my head in defiance.

"Well maybe I liked the idea of us battling it out together," I softly say as Eddie's hands lets go of my wrists, as soon as they're free I reach under Eddie's tee, earning a deep groan from him, "like a you and me against the world kinda thing." I finish, my fingers draw circles lazily on Eddie's flat stomach.

He makes a deep sound as he narrows his eyes at me. "You should stop that,"

I bite my lip and shake my head once, knowing the effect I'm having on Eddie. He sighs and leans his face towards my ear, "Final warning," he sing songs, his breath hot in my ear.

I continue, moving my hands lower when suddenly Eddie's hands begin to tickle my sides. Instantly I'm giggling like a child, my body wriggles and squirms as he tickles and tickles me.

"You think it's funny, huh? You wanna keep touching me sweetheart, because I can do the same." He coos, until I finally reach my breaking point.

"Stop, I'm seriously gonna pee!" I wheeze, tears fall down my cheeks from laughing so hard, even Eddie is grinning from my giggles.

A single ringed finger brushes the tears away, and Eddie looks down at me with awe in his eyes. "I think I was wrong," he softly murmurs, I sit up and we both maneuver so I'm sat on his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist, our chests touch and our noses are inches apart.

"Oh my gosh, are you dying? Should I call a funeral home because you never admit to being wrong." I tease, reaching up and brushing a strand of curly brown hair away from Eddie's face.

Eddie gently taps my nose and scrunches up his face, "No smart ass. I think you would be able to take on Jason in a fight."

I bite back a grin as I look at Eddie, "You think?"

Eddie nods, his hand snakes around my back and presses me closer to him, "I think you'd end up throwing a basketball at his head."

I bark out a laugh as Eddie snorts a chuckle, I rest my forehead against Eddie's and gently press my lips to his. "Maybe I could smother him with a pom-pom?" I mumble between small delicate kisses.

"Well you are inventive, I know you'd think if something." Eddie replies with a smile.

We cuddle like that for a while, talking about school and other things whilst being close wrapped up in each other, our alliance against the world growing stronger by the second.

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