The Noise Complaint

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I sigh as I finally finish my book, my eyes burn from the last few hours of reading, but it was so worth it. I yawn for the millionth time as I undress and slip into my pyjamas, smiling as I turn off my light and get into bed. I lie in the perfect position, the covers are tucked around me like a perfect cocoon and I'm warm and snuggy and ready for bed and-

The light sound of a guitar fills the usual near silence. I groan and grab a pillow, smothering it over my face as my ears decide to focus on the music, admittedly it's pretty good but not for- I glance at the clock- two in the morning.

I try to block the sound out, covering my ears and turning my fan on, but it seems the more I try to avoid it, the louder it becomes. Finally as my anger bubbles, I get up and stick my head out of the window, hoping to see who's making the racket, though I think I know who it is...

Yep, I'm right. The trailer across from mine is where the Munson's live, and Eddie's bedroom is practically opposite mine. His light is on and I can vaguely make out his shape walking around the room, a guitar strapped across his chest as if he's a rockstar.

Uh-uh, not tonight Munson. I've heard that guitar almost every week since my family moved here, and at first I didn't mind it, but now Eddie seems to play later and later, this is too much.

I grab my boots and sneak out of the trailer, I stomp my way across the dewey grass until I realise I don't actually have a plan. The owls hoot as if laughing at me, and the guitar still screams at my sleep schedule. Screw it, I knock on the door, taking a deep breath to talk to Wayne, I mean how can he put up with his nephew jamming out at-

Eddie's face appears, one eyebrow arched as if he wasn't expecting me. "Can I help you?" He drawls, looking behind me as I'd he's expecting some sort of cavalry.

I cross my arms, lifting my chin in defiance as I speak. "Actually you can, by shutting the hell up and going to bed like a normal person!"

Eddie's eyebrows raise up even further until he leans on the doorframe and crosses his arms, a playful expression appears on his face. "But you're up, so you're not normal?"

I open my mouth to speak then close it, shocked by his open teasing. "I was reading my book, not recreating a poor rendition of Black Sabbath." I defend.

Eddie's lips tilt into a grin, "You know them?" He asks almost hopeful. I nod, feeling a little excited to meet someone else who has the same music taste as me, not that I'd ever mention it to him.

"That's not the point, I'm trying to sleep and I can't with all your noise, can't you just wait until daytime. Please?" I sigh, giving him a meaningful look.

Eddie contemplates it for a second before shaking his head. "Time waits for no man, and neither does my guitar."

I let out an enraged groan as I raise my fists. "I swear Munson, if you don't quit your playing I'll...I'll..." I lead off.

Eddie chuckles as he nods teasingly. "Alright, seems like someone needs a nap."

I raise my eyes to him, giving him a death glare. Eddie's lips fall just the tiniest bit before he sighs. "Fine, I'll stop, on one condition."

It's my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Kiss me and I'll do it."

I stare at him before breaking into a fit of laughter, I cover my mouth with my hand to stop. "Are you serious?!" I exclaim.

Eddie nods, stepping out of the trailer towards me. "Come on, would it be so bad?" He coos.

I look at him suspiciously as I roll my eyes. "Why?" I ask, eyeing him up. Really my first answer should have been no, but...

"Because," He shrugs, shuffling his feet as if he's suddenly nervous, "You're a girl worth kissing."

I blush deeply, scolding myself for the girlish reaction. I'm desperate for sleep though, in fact I'm so sleepy I must be delirious because I nod and beckon a finger for Eddie to come closer.

Shock crosses his features but he does as instructed. "Close your eyes." I whisper, Eddie does and I take a deep breath, grabbing his tee I pull him to me and reach up on my toes, before pecking his cheek and scurrying away like a frightened animal.

Eddie's ringed hand immediately touches his cheek, his brown eyes wide before they narrow. I smile and cross my arms, shrugging a single shoulder up. "A deals a deal."

Eddie huffs a laugh as he nods, backing away. "True," I nod and turn to walk home, but he calls out, "but there's always tomorrow night to up the stakes."

I point a single finger at him as I spin around. "Don't. You. Dare. Munson."

Eddie purses his lips together to keep from grinning as he winks and closes the door on me. Feeling defeated but also elated, I head back to bed, hearing nothing but silence. Sadly though, my heart is pounding way too much for me to actually sleep.

Dammit Munson!

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