Good Girl In Detention

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I hesitantly walk into detention, my eyes dart around the classroom, looking for danger. This isn't my usual setting, however this is my first detention, and already my palms sweat from the fear of the cooler kids' comments, the sneers from the jocks or the side eyes from those who know my perfect reputation.

Yeah, I'm way out of my comfort zone. I grip my bag harder as I take a seat at the front of the class, I sit and wait for only a minute until a teacher walks in. She's my English Literature teacher, and looks just as shocked as I feel. She opens her mouth to ask but another student strolls in. Eddie Munson takes narrows his eyes as he freezes, but then his mask of indifference slips back on and he takes the seat beside me.

Miss Leicester hands us some paper, I pluck a pen from my jacket pocket and write my name on the paper without being asked. She quirks an eyebrow at me before finally asking "Y/N, are you sure you're supposed to be here?"

I nod, blushing from shame and embarrassment. She shrugs and tells us to write an essay about our favourite book, then explains she has a staff meeting and needs to go. I stare at the doorway, discombobulated from the entire situation and clear lack of care when it comes to punishment.

I swallow, on edge after being left alone with Eddie, who just leans back in his chair and taps the pencil on the desk, watching me curiously. I ignore him and immediately begin writing, I could get this done in twenty minutes tops. I jot down my thoughts, but the sound of a throat clearing tears my attention away.

"Hmm?" I ask, anxiously toying with my pen as I glance at Eddie. He frowns and looks around the class.

"You know they're not watching right? You don't have to do any of this stupid work." He shrugs. It's my turn to frown, looking at him as if he's gone mad.

"Why wouldn't I? She said we need to-" I begin, but Eddie scoffs as he shakes his head. His eyes scan me up and down as he avoids my eyes, deciding to stare out of the window instead.

"So you're one of those." He mutters. I open my mouth but choose to ignore him. However, Eddie isn't done and clearly wants to get his point across. He stands and heads to the teachers desk, then perches on it without a care in the world, he rests his elbow on his knee as he leans forward, staring at me. "You're a good girl. One who follows the rules and probably gets straight As, you're not shy exactly but timid, don't speak unless spoken to kinda girl. You're probably from a good family and haven't worried about anything a day in your-"

Anger flares up inside of me, not because he's wrong, well not entirely, but because he's so judgemental. I cross my arms as I snarkily spit back "Well I've heard things about you too Munson. The drug dealing outcast who can't graduate to save your life. Maybe if you stopped judging and started studying you'd get somewhere."

Eddie stares at me with wide eyes, I feel completely drained and honestly terrified for my life. I just stood up to the school outcast and now they'll never find my body. Suddenly Eddie does something unexpected, he laughs. I bite my lip and stare down at my essay, then continue it as if nothing happened between us.

"You're good." Eddie coos, standing up and stopping right in front of my desk, I look up and see him smiling at me, but I don't know if that's a good thing. "So, why are you here then?" Eddie asks.

I sigh, then stand up. Eddie lifts a brow as I take off my jacket, to reveal a number of new and fresh stick and poke tattoos dotted across my arms. They're not bad, and I actually love them. But my parents weren't happy and forced the school to punish me. "Clearly I can't express myself without some backlash." I mutter, my cheeks burning.

Eddie reaches out, his finger traces one tattoo on my forearm, and goosebumps raise on my skin from the contact. Eddie pulls away, murming an apology. "Sorry, they're uh...I like them. So, you did them yourself?"

I huff and sit down again, leaving the jacket off. "Some. I kinda had a moment last weekend and just...let go. I don't regret them, if anything I feel more like myself. It's just..." I sigh as Eddie sits back in his seat facing me, listening intently, "Everyone expects so much from me, they want be to be the perfect versions of themselves, but as soon as I so something for myself, it's like I've crossed a line."

Eddie nods, toying with his rings. "I get it. I think you're cool though." I give him a pointed look, he holds his hands up in a surrender and nods, "Really! I'm sorry about earlier, I guess I just get defensive when I'm confused."

I smile, waving it off as I go back to my essay. The rest of detention passes in silence, and even Eddie begins writing. When Miss Leicester comes back she excuses us and I grab my bag. Eddie follows, passing the shocked teacher his essay as he catches up to me.

"Is it weird if we hung out?" He asks, it sounds like a plea but I can tell there would be no hard feelings if I rejected his offer.

I shrug, "Nah, I'm already on my way to becoming the family disappointment, I might as well bask in the outcast glory."

Eddie laughs and opens the door for me, and we head to the nearby bowling alley. Weeks pass and we begin to date, and a few months after we both graduate together, and decide to get matching stick and pokes to mark the occasion and our relationship.

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