Twenty One Years

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AN: It's my 21st birthday!
I wrote this imagine for me since I didn't get an Eddie for my birthday, so I'm going to have to settle for my imagination😂

I'm woken up by featherlight kisses trailing along my cheek followed by the tickle of long hair, I turn my head into the pillow and groan, but warm hands pull me away as a familiar voice sing songs "Birthday girl wake up"

I hold back a smile terribly, then slowly open my eyes to see Eddie leaning over me still in his pyjamas, he already has a smile on his face and I think he's more excited than I am. "Happy birthday sweetheart." He mumbles as he gently reaches out and brushes my hair out of my eyes.

"Thank you" I sleepily say, rubbing my eyes as I sit up. I glance at the time, double taking when I see it's much later than I thought.

"Yeah, thought I'd let you sleep in since I kept you awake late last night." Eddie smirks, sounding impressed by himself.

He hops off the bed excitedly and runs out of the room whilst looking at me, almost walking into the doorframe before dashing back in carrying numerous wrapped presents. He perches on my side of the bed and passes them all to me, "These are for you." He says with a smile  resting his elbow on his knee as he leans forward to watch me open my presents.

"You didn't have to, thank you so much." I wholeheartedly say, putting my hand over his before opening the gifts.

The first box has a few books in it from my favourite bookstore, I'm surprised Eddie remembered the ones I wanted. The second gift is a small necklace of a guitar since we both love music and it's a nice reminder of Eddie and I notice it's got small gems on it. Eddie must've got this custom made. The third and last present is wrapped in tissue paper. I open it to find a mixtape with my name on it. My eyes fill with tears at the thoughtfulness of it. Alongside is a note from Eddie reading;

'To YN,
Music has and always will be a big part of our relationship, so I made this mixtape full of songs from memorable moments in our journey together. There's the song that was playing when we first met, the song when we first kissed, and the song when you told me you loved me along with a load of others. You know I'm not good at this shit but I wanted to say that you're my music, you inspire me and make me want to hit repeat everyday, you're the reason I'm who I am, and I love you for that.
Love Eddie.'

Once I'm done reading it I tackle Eddie into a hug, crying into his neck. He chuckles and pats my back lovingly, then kisses my head as I sniffle.

"Right, now breakfast." Eddie softly murmurs once I've composed myself. He stands up so I follow him to the kitchen, taking a seat at the small table as I watch him mix and weigh ingredients to make my favourite breakfast; pancakes.

Eddie looks confused as he mixes, the consistency is way too liquidy. I laugh and stand up nudging him out of the way with my hips. "Look, I'll teach you." I smile. Eddie puts on the mixtape as I show him how to cook, his arms wrap around me from behind as I stir the ingredients, he begins to sway to the music making me laugh.

"Let's dance." He murmurs, plucking the spoon out of my hand and intertwining our fingers, I giggle as Eddie bobs his head, dancing to the music with me. We both end up prancing around the kitchen, singing along to the lyrics until the song ends and my stomach rumbles.

"Better get you fed before you turn to cannibalism, though I have no complaints if you wanna eat me-" Eddie mumbles, but I shush him with a kiss.

The pancakes go successfully and we sit down, enjoying breakfast whilst talking about nothing in particular. "So, what does the birthday girl wanna do today? You have until seven." Eddie asks around a mouthful of pancake.

I pause the fork halfway to my mouth, "Why until seven?" I ask.

Eddie chews slowly and shrugs knowingly, smiling as he avoids my eyes. I huff a laugh, "I just want to stay home, maybe watch a few movies for a while?"

"Are you sure? We can go out somewhere if you want?" He suggests lifting an eyebrow.

I shake my head, "I'm sure, I just want to spend it with you." Eddie nods as he stands up and grabs our plates.

After clearing up we sit on the couch watching my favourite movies, Eddie often kisses the side of my head and asks if I'm comfy whilst feeding me a supply of snacks.

Afterwards at around five the movie finishes and Eddie stretches. "You should go get ready, we have somewhere to be." He vaguely tells me. I narrow my eyes and tap his nose.

"You're up to something Munson." I tease, heading to his bedroom to get ready and put on something nice.

Once I'm ready Eddie stares at me for a second until I flip him off playfully. We get into his van and drive, I watch out of the window, trying to figure out where we're headed. Just when I think we're going into town, Eddie makes a right turn towards Reefer Rick's.

I glance at him but say nothing, wondering what the hell we're doing here. Once we're parked Eddie helps me out and takes me to the front door, standing behind me and putting his hands over my eyes.

"Ready?" He excitedly whispers, I nod, not able to hide my anticipating smile. He opens the doors and suddenly there's a cheer of "Happy birthday!"

Eddie moves his hands away to reveal all our friends  in the cabin. There's balloons everywhere and music begins blasting from a speaker, there's a massive banner and a table full of party food.

Everyone wishes me a happy birthday and chats for a while, the surprise party ends up being way more fun than I could ever imagine considering I'm not a fan of surprises.

A few hours after the party began Eddie disappears and leaves me with Dustin. Suddenly the lights go dim and Eddie walks towards me with a cake and lit candles. Everyone sings whilst Eddie stands in front of me, looking down at me with love in his eyes.

"Happy twenty first birthday sweetheart, here's to celebrating the rest with each other." Eddie murmurs before I blow out the candles and give him a kiss on the cheek.

We all have a slice of cake as the party begins to settle down. I end up on Eddie's lap, his arm rests around my middle as I lean on his chest. "So what'd you wish for?" Eddie deeply murmurs into my ear.

I turn to him and reply "To spend the rest of my life with the man I love."

Eddie's lips quirk up, "You didn't need to wish that, you're stuck with me forever." He replies just as he kisses me.

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