My Strong, Brave Girl

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I lie in bed as my own body betrays me, despite curling up into a ball my period cramps are persistent, only getting worse not better.

"I've got that movie you wanted-" Eddie happily calls out as he walks into my room, letting himself in as usual. As soon as he sees me lying in bed his face drops, his excitement immediately turning to concern.

"What's wrong? Are you ill?" He asks, rushing over to me carrying a plastic bag. He perches on the edge of the bed as I shake my head, no longer able to fight the pain. Tears flow down my cheeks as Eddie leans down and wipes them away with his thumb.

"Oh sweetie, it's alright, tell me what's wrong?"

"Period pain." I grit out, my body tensing up again as another wave of pain washes through me. Eddie bites his lip nervously, he's never been good at seeing me in pain despite months of dating.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asks, I begin to shake my head, but then nod.

"A hot bottle usually helps please." I squeak out, bringing my knees to my chest as Eddie strokes my hair. He nods and gets up, giving me one last look before disappearing for a few minutes.

I close my eyes in that time, breathing in and out to try and prevent sickness, sometimes my pain gets so bad I get nausea alongside the stomach ache and cramps. Eddie comes back with a variety of solutions.

"Here's your hot water bottle," Eddie murmurs, gently pressing it over my stomach as I mumble a thanks, "and here's some painkillers and water," he adds, putting down a glass of water and some pills which I sit up and take straight away with Eddie's assistance, "and lucky for you I bought a shit ton of chocolate for our movie night, but if you're not feeling well we can watch it another time."

"Thank you, I'm sorry I messed up movie night." I whisper, lying back down again as Eddie shakes his head and frowns.

"Can't argue with mother nature, besides I just wanted to spend time with you anyway." He smiles reassuringly. Eddie lies beside me as I turn around to get comfy, his hand drapes over my middle and holds the hot bottle in place as the painkillers begin to kick in.

"How are you feeling now my strong, brave girl?" Eddie murmurs after a few minutes, kissing my cheek as I sigh.

"Better, just tired." I reply as he leans up on an elbow and moves his hand away from the bottle to stroke my hair, it helps soothe me and I can already feel my eyes getting heavy.

"Let's have a little nap then when you wake up maybe we can still watch that movie?" He suggests, I nod, turning around to face him as he looks down at me with less concern and more compassion.

"You're seriously the best." I grin as Eddie presses a delicate kiss to my forehead. I close my eyes as his thumb brushes my cheek, his fingers still play with the hair behind my ear.

"Only for you." He whispers as I fall asleep.

When I wake up, Eddie's still by my side, he's awake but his hair is a little messy, as if he's only woken up a short time before me.

"Hey sweetie," he mumbles, "feeling better?"

I nod, the stomach ache has definitely dulled and now I just feel hungry and on the verge of a sleep hangover. "Yeah, just peckish."

Eddie raises his eyebrows before rolling off the bed theatrically and opening his arms. "Then my fair maiden, we must go acquire some food."

I laugh as I sit up, "And we can watch that movie."

Eddie grins as he holds out a hand, I take it as he leads me downstairs and prepares a meal for me as I watch, we both eat and end up watching the movie, snuggled together as Eddie keeps me warm and gives me lots of head kisses.

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