Cup of Confidence

389 13 1

TW: Toxic ex-relationship, past abuse mentions.

I hesitate to sit on Eddie's bed, but when he beckons me over I force myself to follow his instructions, perching on the edge as Eddie leans down and grabs a magazine, he begins reading until he peeks over and sees me doing nothing.

"What's up?" He asks, for a second I panic, full on deer in the headlights as I think back to the time I was dating Billy Hargrove, he'd often snap at me as if I'm supposed to know what he wants me to do.

"I'm sorry, did you want me to lay with you?" I worriedly ask, already climbing further on the bed beside Eddie. He frowns and throws his magazine on the floor as he sits up a little and wraps an arm around me.

"If you wanted to, I don't mind what you do as long as you're happy." Eddie murmurs, reaching out as his knuckles gently graze my cheek, the cold metal of his rings a nice contrast to my flaming cheeks.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." I mumble, my eyes avoiding Eddie's. He sits up further and crawls to sit opposite me, his hands gently take mine as my eyes begin to drift up to his.

"You don't have to keep apologising, you've done nothing wrong sweetheart," Eddie softly says with a kind smile, "I hate the way he must've made you feel, that asshole deserves a punch or two to the face."

My eyes widen in fear, I dart up and grab hold of Eddie's shoulders. He gives me a shocked look from my sudden outburst. "You can't. He'd literally kill you, please don't do anything Eddie." I practically plead. Eddie watches me for a second then nods slowly.

His lips tilt as he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to my lips, normally Billy would take all he can get and more, but Eddie kisses me at a snails pace, gentle and soft, loving and tender. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as I climb into his lap, his arms encircle me as I reach for the hem of his tee, but Eddie chuckles and pulls away.

"Whoa, where's this coming from?" Eddie grins, my mouth pops open, once again I've made another mistake, I keep acting the way Billy would want me to, but I've got Eddie now, and I know he'd never hurt or pressure me into anything.

"I'm sor-" Eddie gives me a amused pointed look, I sigh, "Don't you want to take things further?"

Eddie raises an eyebrow as he looks me over with a mix of lust and love, "Uh yeah, but when you're ready. I'm not gonna pressure you into it, we'll take things as far as you want to, and we'll stop when you say the word."

Tears fill my eyes as his words hit home, I never realised until now how bad Billy was, he was toxic and an asshole, and I'm so thankful Eddie's a better boyfriend. His hand reaches out and tucks a stand of hair behind my ear as he hugs me, gently rocking me as he pulls me to his chest. Even now as I cry Billy would shout or punch something, Eddie just soothes me and allows me to have my moment.

"It's alright, you're safe with me, I'll never let him near you again, and I love you." Eddie murmurs into my hair.

A few minutes later I'm composed again, but I've regressed to my usual unsure self. "Let's go grab some food?" Eddie suggests. I nod and stand up as Eddie grabs his wallet and keys.

He walks over to me and pulls my dress down that must've been wrinkled or stuck up. I grab my jacket and begin to slip it on despite the boiling temperature. Eddie looks at me curiously. "You can wear what you want, but isn't it a little warm for that?"

I bite my lip, sweat already beginning to bead on my forehead. I look down, once again memories of Billy being possessive and judgemental of my 'showing off' enters my mind. Eddie must read my expression or remember our talks becuase he sighs gently then pulls at my hand, leading me to the kitchen. He grabs a glass and fills it with water, then passes it to me with a grin.

I hesitantly take it, eyeing it up then glancing up at Eddie in confusion. "What's this for?" I lightly say, a small smile plays on the edge of my lips.

"It's a cup of confidence, drink it and you'll feel much better." Eddie says in a funny voice. I laugh and raise it up, doing an imaginary toast before downing it.

I put the glass down as Eddie nods, "Yep, I can tell, you're still amazing and spectacular and super and cool and awesome and-" I cut Eddie off with a kiss before he can continue.

"Thank you, I love you." I mumble between his lips. Eddie gives me a squeeze then links his fingers with mine.

"I love you too princess, now let's go stuff our faces and drink milkshakes!" He calls out, heading to the passenger side of the van and opening the door for me with an extravagant bow. I curtsey as I laugh, momentarily forgetting about my past and loving every second of the present.

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