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TW: Grief, the death of a pet.

AN: Sadly my cat Luna passed away today, so I wrote this imagine to help me deal with it. I was unsure whether to post this one or not, but I thought maybe someone else might relate or need it♡

I stand by my cat's grave, the fresh smell of soil and flowers tickles my nose as I lean down and say my final goodbye. I stand up and head inside the hosue, immediately rushing to my room where I can cry in peace.

My phone rings a few times, but I ignore it, too busy to deal with anything other than my own grief. It feels as if someone has taken my most precious thing away from me, my best friend and most loyal companion. My mind races as I recall all the good memories and traits of my cat, but it doesn't help the fact that she's gone and I'll never hear her purr again.

The phone rings once more and this time I feel a spike of anger, I swipe it off of my bedside table, the phone clatters to the floor and now I cry harder.

My head begins to ache as I lie in bed, the covers tucked around me as I stare at the wall, every time I think I'm done crying fresh tears coat my eyes and I sob again.

I briefly hear the doorbell ring but I don't care, I stay in my cocoon where I can wallow in my sorrow. My mom calls my name but I stay quiet, not even having the energy to answer her. Footsteps climb the stairs and I sit up, wiping away my half dried tears as I wait for whoever it is to come in.

"Y/N?" Eddie softly asks with a knock, I clear my throat and mumble a "Come in" as best I can.

He opens the door a bit, peeking his head through as his eyes find mine, my face crumples and before I know it Eddie's perched on my bed with me in his arms, he gently rocks me as I cry, his hand strokes my back as he waits for me to get it out of my system.

After a few minutes I sniffle and wipe my nose with the back of my sleeve, not caring about how unattractive it is. "I tried calling and got worried when you didn't answer," Eddie mumbles into my hair, "so I came over and your mom told me everything. I'm so sorry sweetheart."

I nod, looking up at him. Eddie looks down at me with a mixture of sympathy and concern. He gently cups my cheek and brushes away a stray tear, "Is there anything you need?"

I shake my head, taking a deep inhale before replying "I just miss her."

"I know," Eddie softly says, giving me a small smile, "but she had the best life with you, she loved you just as much as you loved her."

His words put my mind at ease slightly. I  let out a small yawn, feeling drained from the whole entire day and experience. "Would you stay with me?" I whisper, climbing back into bed and patting the space next to me.

Eddie nods, getting under the covers with me, his arm snakes under my body and brings me to his chest as his other hand soothingly plays with my hair. "I'll always be here for you, I know it's tough right now and seems like you'll never be happy again, but after some time I promise it'll get easier."

I let out a shuddery sigh, my hand rests on Eddie's chest as I feel his steady heartbeat. "Thank you." I whisper, closing my eyes and trying to let his words sink in.

Today has been the worst and I'm so heartbroken, but I know that my cat is in a better place and that I gave her the best life I possibly could, and I think one day I can settle with that.

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