Cool It Munson

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Springtime in Hawkins is usually warm, but the last few days have been beyond warm, they're practically summer temperatures and I'm melting in my usual jeans and tee getup.

My best friend sits on my bed as usual, she always comes over for breakfast since we're neighbours and have been best friends since kindergarten. She nibbles on a waffle whilst watching Mr rummage through my clothes, laughing as I huff trying to find something weather appropriate. She finally stands up and pulls out a cute dress I bought ages ago, but haven't worn yet. "Wear this, it's cute." She mumbles, catching waffle before it falls out of her mouth.

I bite back a laugh, too warm to argue I go into the bathroom and put it on. I look at myself in the mirror since my hair and makeup are already done. I admit the dress is cute, the colour suits me well and it's not overly short or anything, so it won't break the rules for school. The only thing is that it hugs my curves and makes my tummy stick out a little. I've always been insecure about my weight since I'm bigger than most girls at my school, but I'm slowly trying to love myself more and embrace how I look.

I walk out of the bathroom feeling on edge, my best friend stares at me before winking and swallowing her food. "You look good, why don't you wear dresses more often?"

I shake my head and straighten it out more, "I don't look good in it, it's too tight and-"

"Listen," She smiles standing up and putting her hand on my shoulders, "I'm telling you, you look pretty."

I sigh then glance at the clock, "Shit we've gotta go!"

She drives us to school as usual, waving bye to me as she heads to go see her boyfriend. I meet with Eddie as usual near his van, he leans against it with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, as soon as I approach his eyes widen and the cigarette falls from his lips. He curses and picks it up, tucking it behind his ear. I blush and reach up to give him a kiss, his arms wrap around my waist and he yanks me to him, grabbing the back of my neck with one hand and kissing me deeply. I eventually have to push him back laughing.

"What was that for?" I smile, looking around as students eye us up.

Eddie shrugs as he wraps an arm around my shoulders, "So nobody gets any ideas, you're my girl and only I get to do that."

All day Eddie is clingy with me, holding my hand under the desk or holding my middle as we walk to lunch.

By time we sit outside to eat with the rest of the Hellfire Club Eddie insists I sit on his lap sideways. I do so, laughing as he nuzzles my neck with his nose, pressing tiny kisses there. The Hellfire Club all boo and throw grass at us, but Eddie flips them off playfully and continues the PDA. His ringed hand rests on my thigh eventually, lazily drawing circles on the bare skin, raising goosebumps. My breathing fastens and I clear my throat, giving him a look of warning.

"What do you think you're doing?" I tease quietly so nobody else can hear us.

"Just enjoying having a pretty so close to me," he shrugs, smiling at me knowingly. He knows damn well what effect he has on me.

I feed him a few pretzels, grinning as he catches them as I throw them into the air, his arm still holds me close to him.

"You know, I wasn't going to wear this today." I whisper, feeling like I want to share this with Eddie and confide with him.

Eddie quirks an eyebrow up in question, "Why the hell not?"

"Because I look...not thin like all the other girls." I fake laugh, avoiding his eyes.

Eddie grabs my chin and forces me to look into his brown eyes. "You're perfect to me, you don't need to look like everyone else to be beautiful,"

I smile at his words until he leans into my ear and whispers, "Besides you're also very fucking sexy and I bet it won't take long to get that dress off of you later."

I gasp and look around, scared that someone else heard it. My heart beats frantically until I calm down and realise it was too quiet for anyone to hear. "Cool it Munson, we're at school." I mumble, playfully hitting his chest.

He smirks and leans back, "Only for a couple more hours."

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