What Am I Doing?

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Eddie's comment sets me off laughing, I full on snort as I lean back on the bed, covering my face with my hands. Eddie laughs with me, leaning closer to me as his fingers try to peel my hands away from my face.

"Come on, don't hide that pretty smile." He teases, his breath warm near my cheek as his whole body lies beside mine.

I peek open my fingers to see his face inches away from my own, my breath catches at the way he's looking at me, it's like I'm the most mesmerising thing he's ever seen.

"What?" I whisper, the atmosphere between us now different, less humorous and more...lustful.

"You're so pretty," he murmurs as I move my hands away, Eddie's ringed hand rests on my hip as I continue to lie on my back, staring up at him.

I roll my eyes but Eddie doesn't move, in fact he leans closer as his other hand cups my cheek, his thumb gently caresses my cheekbone, his touch soft as a feather. "I really want to kiss you right now." He deeply mumbles, his eyes locked on mine.

I lick my lips, not entirely opposed to the idea, until I remember where I am, and who's room is next to mine. "I'd like that, but it's a terrible idea." I reply, sitting up a little as my eyes glance at the wall. Eddie gives me room but his hands still linger, his hand trails down from my hip to my thigh, giving it a squeeze as his breath tickles my face.

"You're right, we shouldn't, if that asshole catches us-" Eddie huffs, wincing as he realises he's just called by brother an asshole.

I bite back a smile, "You're right, Jason hates you enough already." I murmur, hesitantly I shuffle closer to Eddie, the distance between our lips now mere centimetres.

"True, we shouldn't start something just for it to-" Eddie begins, but I've already decided I don't care about the repercussions. I smash my lips to Eddie's, my legs tangle with his as he falls backwards onto the bed with me on top of him, my hands find his tee and begin to roam under as his hands grab my waist, pulling me on top of him even more.

Eddie groans as I touch him, his hand moves to the back of my head before he somehow rolls us over, now he's the boss.

He pulls away for a second to give me a winning smirk before diving in for more, his lips attack mine in a frenzy, it's chaos. It's passion. It's-

"Y/N, you better not be screwing around with anyone in there!" My brother Jason calls out with a knock on my door. Eddie and I freeze, we share a look of alarm before he gets off of me, as if it'll make much difference. If Jason finds Eddie in here, I'm pretty sure we'll need the whole force of Hawkins police to break up the battle.

"I'm not! I'm just watching a movie!" I reply, narrowing my eyes at Eddie as he gives me a pointed look. I shake my head and shrug my shoulders, what does he expect me to say?

"Alright, just keep it down. The boys are coming over soon." Jason says before stomping back to his room.

I sigh as my shoulders relax, Eddie grins as he beckons a finger for me to come over to him, but I roll my eyes and launch a pillow at him.

"I told you. Terrible idea."

Eddie waves it off before slowly stalking up to me again, his hands reach up and cup my cheeks, his finger traces my bottom lip which reignites a fire inside of me. "So we probably shouldn't do it again?"

I nod, but this time Eddie's the one who places his lips over mine, his desperation the same as mine. "What am I doing?" Eddie mumbles around my lips, I can tell he wants to pull away before it progresses, but when my hands find his hair he loses his control.

"It doesn't matter, just keep doing it." I moan, arching my back as Eddie pulls off my top...

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