Art Room Antics

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AN: This imagine features a reader who is neurodivergent♡

Two months ago it was gardening.
Last week it was writing poetry.
This week the sudden hyperfixation has shifted to art, more specifically painting, even more specifically water painting.

I flick to the next page in my notebook, beginning a new drawing as Eddie watches from beside me, every so often I glance up at the teacher, half listening to her lecture on Shakespeare, but I already know all of this, a year ago I was obsessed with his works and binge read them all over the summer, I already know I'm going to pass this class easily.

"Add another flower." Eddie whispers as he leans closer and points a ringed finger at my nearby finished sketch. I lean back and narrow my eyes, assessing the space I'll need for the paint, but eventually decide he's right, another flower would make it even. I draw another, smiling as the bell rings signalling the end of class.

"Remember our plans, is it still okay if you stay after school?" Eddie asks. I nod, he asked me last week in advance if I could stay a few hours after school for something, whilst I'm glad he asked me beforehand to avoid any anxiety, I can't help the unease that bubbles up at the unknown of our plans, Eddie said it was to be a surprise.

I gather my things and pack my bag, then quickly answer the teachers question from earlier now that everyone's gone. As usual she smiles but tells me I should've said something earlier. If only she knew I would if I could, but speaking in class is my worst nightmare.

Eddie smiles and beckons me to follow him as we walk down the nearly empty corridors, it's Monday so students are eager to leave and not hang around. We turn the corner and stop outside of the art classroom.

"We can't." I frown, knowing the rules about using classrooms outside of lesson times. Like always Eddie holds up a finger and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a handwritten note. He passes it to me as I read it, finding out it's a letter of permission for us to use the class on the terms we clean up our mess and leave at five.

I smile excitedly, already I begin to rock on my heels as Eddie opens the door. Eddie must've caught onto my current hyperfixation as usual, and knowing I can't afford the supplies to paint, he's found a way for me to achieve it.

I head into the class, the smell of paint and soap fills my nose as I look around at all the art, my eyes can't take in the colours and scenes enough, it's all so beautiful. "Here, you wanted water paints right?" Eddie calls out holding pots and paintbrushes, he nods to a cupboard filled with different art supplies.

"Yeah, the colours blend better and you can layer which creates more depth." I say remembering the book I read about it a few days ago.

Eddie smiles as he begins to set up a spot for us, and I grab every colour of water painf I can find. I shrug off my jacket and perch on a stool as I pull out my notebook and grab a paintbrush.

"Whoa, hold on a sec sweetheart," Eddie chuckles, stepping beside me, gently he grabs my arm and rolls up my sleeves one at a time, my feet tangle as desperation clings to me. I just want to paint.

"Thanks." I mutter, then begin to work.

Eddie sits beside me, painting his own picture on some paper, mine is an array of colours, I itch my face before continuing, grinning as joy overcomes me. This is perfect, I've never had so much fun. I want to do more.

Eddie and I chat about random things every now and then, but we're mostly comfortable in a mutal silence. What feels like minutes pass until the door opens and I look up to see the art teacher come in, smiling at us as he strolls over.

"Eddie told me you wanted to have a go at painting, let's see what you've done."

I nod and show him my numerous art pieces, the first one isn't very good but the rest are impressive, or at least I think so. "Oh wow, these are wonderful, you should join my class."

I smile in response, unsure of what to say. "Maybe." I mumble, feeling myself blush.

"Well it's good to see you having fun and my class is still in one piece, but I'm afraid I'm leaving soon so you'll have to clear up now and come back another day."

I nod as he leaves. Eddie and I begin to tidy up, using the sink to wash the brushes and pots, then we put everything back and sigh. "Ready to Gough?" Eddie jokes, I laugh and nod as I grab my dry notebook filled with my artwork. I begin to put my jacket on until Eddie reaches out and wipes his thumb against my cheek, a smear of yellow paint coming off.

"Better." He smiles, I smile back and lean up on my toes, pressing a kiss to his lips as he wraps his arms around me comfortingly, it took a while for me to get used to the contact but I'm glad Eddie waited for me to be ready.

I take one last look at the art on the wall, seeing a drawing of a skateboard.

Wow, it would be so cool to do that.
I bet it would be fun.
I've got to learn, maybe I can get my own.
Ooh and put stickers on it.
Or my cat.
Skateboarding cats, there's an idea.

"I said do you want to get dinner or go home?" Eddie's voice appears again, I shake my head and blink up at him.

"I want to learn how to skateboard." I murmur, Eddie huffs a laugh and grabs my bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he wraps an arm around my middle. I lean into his warmth as we head to the exit of the school.

"Sure, I'll talk to Max and see if she can help you with it." Eddie says, giving me a squeeze as we walk.

"Dinner." I blurt out, answering Eddie's earlier question. He chuckles as he nods, opening the door for me as we head out.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now