What Happens After D&D...

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I roll my eyes at Eddie's terrible but annoyingly hilarious joke, then join in with the rest of Hellfire laughing. Eddie's eyes meet mine for the millionth time this night, well really it's been going on for weeks now, and he gives me a soft smile.

"I think that wraps up tonight's game gentleman, and lady," Eddie winks, I blush but cover it up by playing with my hair, then I begin to gather up the numerous candy wrappers as the others pack up and begin to trail out of our fortress of fantasy. I wave goodbye to them, then quickly check in with Dustin one more time if his mom is picking him up.

"She's probably right outside, no need to baby me." Dustin sighs, I nod as he waves me a goodbye. I can't help it if I care about the little shrimp, he reminds me of myself a little. I remember the day he desperately called me up, begging me to be a substitute for a missing player at Hellfire, considering I'd been babysitting Dustin for as long as I can remember, I agreed.

I'm not actually a student at Hawkins High either, I'm around Eddie's age and have an apprenticeship here in Hawkins. After stepping in to be a sub, Eddie kept inviting me back, and I found myself saying "yes" after he agreed on the condition to pick me up and drop me off at home at every game.

"Earth to Y/N?" I vaguely hear Eddie coo, I snap out of my thoughts and continue clearing up the groups rubbish, once again always being a mother hen.

"Yeah? Something up?" I ask Eddie as he passes me the final can of Mountain Dew. Our fingers graze and a jolt of electricity wakes me up, our eyes meet as he grins.

"I asked if you were alright, you seemed to be in your own world." He finally says after a few moments.

I nod, once again my cheeks heat, I damn near feel like a schoolgirl again with the biggest crush. "Oh yeah, I'm all good, just thinking about something."

Eddie's brows crinkle in confusion but then he waves it off, he crosses his arms over his chest as he backs away, his eyes dart around the room then back at me, as if there's something on the tip of his tongue. "Maybe you're the one spacing out." I tease pulling a funny face, I head over the table and grab my jacket, shrugging it on as Eddie gazes at me.

"Why do you still come to Hellfire?" Eddie asks, not in a mean way but more curious.

I shrug and feel a little awkward, "It's fun, why is it weird I'm still here, I know I'm older than most of you but I thought since you're older than me I-" I lead off, quieting down when Eddie chuckles.

"That's not what I meant. You have a decent life outside of Hellfire, so why spend your Friday nights hanging out at your old school in a dingy drama room playing a fantasy game with a bunch of weirdos?" He asks, stepping closer to me as I try to think of a lie. Before I can Eddie backs me into the table and reaches out to gently pull a strand of my hair, twirling it around his finger.

"You don't have to lie to me, I promise you can say anything and I won't judge, trust me." Eddie softly murmurs, I glance at his lips, my brain takes a bakeseat as I lean forward a little, pressing my chest to Eddie's.

"I- I like hanging out with you." I whisper. Eddie's eyes widen briefly as he tucks my hair behind my ear, smiling down at me as he raises his brows.

"Is that in a friendly way or..." Eddie leads off, swallowing thickly as I shake my head and stay quiet.

Eddie tilts his head as if thinking, my eyes avert elsewhere as he steps back and turns around. Panic overcomes me, oh God have I messed this up? I knew I shouldn't have been so open, I should've quit Hellfire as soon as the crush began developing.

"I see." Eddie finally mumbles, I grab my satchel and head for the door, but I don't even walk two steps before Eddie grabs my hand. I freeze and he lets go quickly, then scratches the back of his neck as I turn towards him. "Sorry, I'm not thinking logically right now..." He lets out a small laugh, "how would you feel if told you I felt the same?" He asks narrowing his eyes as if afraid for the answer.

My jaw drops but I soon close it. "Happy?" I say more like a question, I'm terrible at this. Half of Eddie's mouth tilts up as he nods and beckons me closer.

I find myself walking towards him, stepping once we're toe to toe. "I'm happy you're happy, because it's been agonising crushing on you and not knowing if you'd ever take a chance on me." Eddie murmurs, his eyes stare at my lips as my breath catches.

"I thought it was the other way around." I huff with a smile, Eddie reciprocates and reaches out to wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to we touch. I gasp and lean my hand against his chest to steady myself, and I feel his heart beating just as fast as mine.

"We're quite a pair, aren't we?" He chuckles lightly, his face slowly inching towards mine. He stops just as his nose brushes mine, as if waiting for me to pull away or say something.

When I reach up on my toes and nudge my nose into his, Eddie takes the hint and finally kisses me softly. My other arm grabs the back of his neck as his hand cups my cheek, tilting my head to where he wants me. I gasp as his lips devour mine, for a first kiss Eddie's sweeping me away.

After a minute or so he pulls back, keeping an arm around me, our breaths mingle heavily as we stare at each other in a mix of shock and excitement. "Was that okay?" Eddie asks unsure.

I nod slowly, touching my lips as Eddie smirks. I step out of his arms and run a hand through my hair, trying to compose myself. "Is it weird that I wish we'd done that sooner?" I ask feeling a buzz.

Eddie laughs as he grabs his own jacket, "No sweetheart, I wish that too. I don't suppose you want to go on a date with me?" He asks.

I bite back a grin as I nod, Eddie playfully fist bumps the air before holding out a hand for me, I hesitantly take it, completely new to the whole dating scene. "I just want to tell you something," I shyly say as we walk down the corridor after locking the drama room, Eddie stops and waits for me patiently, "I've never dated anyone, this is all new territory to me."

Eddie nods and nudges his shoulder into mine, "It's new for me too, but we can work it out together right?"

"Yeah, we can." I reply as Eddie holds the door for me and dramatically bows. I laugh and wait for him to catch up, scanning the empty parking lot.

"I guess our first quest is to figure out where we should go for our first date." Eddie murmurs looking down at me expectantly.

"We could go get some food?" I ask, Eddie grins.

"My kinda girl." He winks, leading me to his van and helping me in.

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