Body Heat

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Within minutes Eddie's light snores fill the bedroom, even with his arm draped around my waist I feel freezing, therefore in no mood to sleep. I try and pull the covers over my chin, but Eddie has a death grip on them, so I sigh as I begin to shiver, goosebumps cover my skin as I stare at the clock, watching the minutes pass.

I get bored after ten of them, I can't keep still and my leg can't decide whether it wants to be bent or straight, so I keep flopping it about. Eddie stirs in his sleep, letting out a small noise of annoyance before he settles.

My shivers become more erratic, my teeth begin to chatter and I untangle my hand from Eddie's to wrap it around my chest, as if it's going to do much good.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Eddie sleepily mumbles from near my ear, I turn my head to see his half lidded eyes on me, watching with curiosity.

"Cold." I whisper through my teeth. Eddie's face immediately conveys concern, he scoots closer to me, taking a sharp inhale when he notices how cold I am, then tucks the blankets around me like a cocoon. He then puts his leg over mine until he's half laying on top of me.

"Am I squashing you?" He mumbles on my head, his breath tickles my hair as I groan from the sudden warmth.

"No, you're like a human heater." I smile, finally beginning to get warm. Eddie nods and uses his hand to rub some warmth into my arm, his thumb works inside of my arm until the friction does eventually work.

Whilst I am actually getting warmer, I still don't feel overly tired. Eddie yawns as I yet again wriggle, though it's hard to move with Eddie on top of me, not that I'm complaining.

"Can't sleep?" He asks as his hand moves under my top, caressing my ribs soothingly. I shake my head as I continue to stare at the clock.

"I'm sorry, I'm keeping you awake-" I begin, but Eddie shushes me and begins to rub my back, the feeling instantly makes me feel more relaxed, his rings are off so his hands are warm and surprisingly soft.

"It's alright," Eddie whispers, "Why don't we play a game?"

"I'm not getting up now." I quietly laugh but Eddie gently pinches me playfully as he smirks.

"No silly, I mean like a...thinking game." He fills in, tracing shapes and lines onto my back.

"Okay." I reply with a shrug, at least this'll pass the time.

"So, I'll draw a picture or something on your back and you've gotta guess what it is." He explains, I nod and close my eyes to focus more.

First his fingers draw a line at the bottom of my back, and for a second I think he's up to something, but then he draws three more lines and a triangle near the top.

"A house?" I suggest.


Next his finger draws a singe vertical line then comes away from my skin as if creating a gap, then he draws a circle.

"That's definitely a number 10." I smile as my eyes grow heavy.

"Alright smart ass," Eddie muses, pressing a kiss to the shell of my ear, "You won't get this one."

Determined to prove him wrong, I concentrate on the feeling of his finger, the warmth tickles my back as his finger draws a squiggly circle of some kind, then he draws four lines connected to it and a circle. To add more dazzle, he then adds some dots and another line.

I'm baffled, but refuse to back down. I think as Eddie patiently waits for my answer, but my brain refuses to cooperate and my eyes won't open.

"I don't know." I sleepily slur, feeling myself on the verge of drifting off.

"It was a sheep." Eddie murmurs, half sounding confused that I didn't get it, but then again I think this was his plan all along.

Eddie's hand links back with mine as I fall asleep, with Eddie's weight on me I feel warm, safe and content.

"Night sweetheart, try to dream about me."

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