Time Away SMUT

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AN: I haven't written an Eddie smut in a while, so here's one for those that enjoy them!


Eddie grabs my bag and closes the van, I look around the hotel car park uneasily, but I can't deny it feels good to be out of Hawkins, even if it is just for the twenty four hours. Eddie gives me a reassuring smile as we head inside to the check in desk. 

It's late in the evening, after the two hour drive we're both ready to just relax and begin our little retreat, we both needed some time away and this is the perfect opportunity for us to finally be alone. Without interruptions. 

An older woman checks us in smiling, as if she's remembering what it's like to be young, in love and desperate for privacy. She gives us a wink along with the room key, and Eddie chuckles as he wrap an arm around my middle. 

"You seem on edge? Is everything okay?" Eddie mumbles into my ear as we head to the elevator. I shake my head and lean my head against his shoulder as we wait. 

"No I'm fine, this place just reminds me of The Shining." I laugh, Eddie's eyes widen as he backs away from the elevator and looks around, I playfully whack his arm as he joins my side again. The elevator arrives with a creepy ding and thankfully when the doors open there's no wave of blood. 

Eddie and I make our way to our room, and I'm glad that it isn't as run down as I expected. Eddie and I couldn't afford anything luxurious for our get away, but thankfully this place isn't a walk in crime scene. The bed is clean with nice smelling sheets, and the bathroom is fairly big with a number of soaps on display. 

"Finally," Eddie whispers in my ear behind me as he throws our bags down, "we're alone." 

I lean my head back as I look up at him, "What are you trying to say Mr Munson?" I tease, Eddie's eyes darken as he spins me around and picks me up. I laugh as I wrap my arms and legs around him, like a koala bear clinging on for life. 

Eddie's mouth covers mine desperately as he carries me to the bed, he turns at last minute so he falls onto his back with me on top. He groans as his hands begin to wander, peeling off my jacket as I move my hips slightly. 

"Jesus Christ Y/N," Eddie curses, I smirk as I attempt to take control. My hands reach for his jeans, unbuttoning them rapidly, Eddie's breathing becomes erratic as I finally get them undone and pull them down, along with his underwear. 

"Take your top off Eddie," I mumble in my most seductive tone, Eddie smiles and does as told and I follow suit and pull my clothes off too before climbing back onto Eddie. I lean down and kiss his chest tattoos before moving lower and lower, Eddie gasps as I reach his length, his hand reaches out and grabs my hair as I lower my mouth over his hardness, my other hand grabs his base before I take him into my mouth. 

"Fuck." Eddie moans, he leans up on his elbows to watch as I hold eye contact, I flick my tongue over the more sensitive parts, learning how Eddie reacts to each lick and movement. His hold on my hair tightens and I know he's close, I force myself to take more of him, I gag as my eyes water, and Eddie reaches out and brushes the stray tears away as his groans become louder. 

Finally Eddie pulses into my mouth, spilling his release as I swallow. I finally pull away as Eddie lets go of me, his chest heaving from the experience. "Was that okay?" I ask, my confidence faltering. 

Eddie nods and grabs my body, flipping us around until I'm underneath him. "You're so perfect, you're everything I could've ever dreamed of and more." Eddie mumbles lovingly as he kisses me deeply. I moan as his hands toy with my breasts, I arch my back and feel him hard and ready again pressing against me. 

"Eddie," I practically beg, "I can't wait any longer." Eddie smiles, lining himself up his lips graze my ear just as he pushes himself inside of me. We both gasp at the contact, then Eddie begins to move at a steady pace. 

My hands fling out for something to grab on to, but Eddie's ringed hands link with mine as he presses his forehead to mine. Our eyes meet as he moves deeper, more sensual and I can't hold back on the noises that escape me. 

"God, you're so fucking beautiful." Eddie whispers, his mouth moving to my neck as he sucks and bites. Already I'm on the verge of release, and Eddie grunts tell me he's there too. 

I wrap my legs around Eddie's waist as he begins to thrust harder, his hands squeeze mine as I finally come, seeing stars from how good it feels. Seconds later Eddie follows me into the bliss. 

After we both lie there to catch our breaths, Eddie's arms wrap around me as he pulls the duvet over us, and we snuggle together like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you or anything did I?" 

I shake my head as Eddie kisses my temple, "I'm okay, are you?" 

Eddie blows out a breath as he chuckles, "Yeah, I just never thought sex could be that good." 

I huff a laugh as my fingers trace the tattoos on his chest. "Should we get some food soon?" 

Eddie nods, squeezing me closer, "The way this retreat is going already, we're gonna work up a massive appetite." 

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