The Unusual Journalist

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"Get me an original story and I'll consider letting you stay, I want it in by the end of the week." My boss, the head of Hawkins Post, angrily says to me as I nod enthusiastically.

"I'll do it, I'll get you something that hasn't been covered before." I smile, getting up and grabbing my bag.

"Good luck with that," he mumbles as I turn to leave, "nothing new happens in this town."

I take a deep breath as the fresh spring air hits me, after hours of researching old stories I think I've finally come up with an idea that's original and fresh. I look down at my watch to see I've only got an hour before my idea becomes unavailable, so I rush to my car and fix my makeup before heading to The Hideout.

I force a smile at the men and few women here, the tables are sticky and the dim light keeps flickering, but despite the...unpleasant atmosphere, my  planned feature finally steps up on stage.

"We're Corroded Coffin," A boy in red plaid calls out as he grins before bashing the drums and beginning their set. I listen in the corner with my notebook on the table, making notes of their songs and some of the lyrics, I try to keep focused on the band as a whole but one member who's around my age catches my eye. I've never seen anyone play the guitar this well, I mean not in real life anyway.

The man nods his head to the music, it's as if he's forgotten about everything, as if this is his one reason for living. I make a note of the talent, despite it being a genre many townsfolk in Hawkins would frown upon, I find myself nodding my head too and sensing that one day they're gonna be big. Like Black Sabbath big.

Once the set is over the band collectively put down their instruments and head to a table, only two people applaud including me, which earned me an odd look from the guitarist.

Suddenly feeling nervous as I watch them sit at their table laughing and joking, the long haired guitarist turns to me and stands up. I control my breathing as he comes and stands by my lone table.

"Mind if I sit? I don't want to make you uncomfortable I just have a question." He softly asks, I frown not expecting such a kind and gentle voice, then nod.

He grins and sits down as I introduce myself.

"I'm Eddie Munson, okay so are you some talent seeker or something? Nobody usually comes in here with a notebook like you. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that I just-"

I shake my head as he rambles, Eddie nervously fiddles with his rings as I reply. "I'm a journalist from Hawkins Post, or at least I want to be, I've been tasked with finding an original story so I wanted to spotlight the band that apparently plays here consistently, which turns out to be you guys." I smile, hoping it didn't come across as snobbish.

Eddie narrows his eyes, "So you're writing about us?"

I bite my lip feeling awkward, maybe this was a bad! I've got to do this, my job depends on it. "Yeah, good things though, here look at my notes." I pass him my notebook and watch as he reads them, his eyebrows raise as he scratches his chin with his thumb.

"Okay, so you seem to be cool, so you want an interview or something?" He asks looking at me with wide brown eyes, half hopeful.

I shrug up a shoulder, "If you're comfortable?"

Eddie nods and leans back in his chair, gesturing for me to ask away. I ask a few band related questions before risking it all and asking something more personal.

"So do you do anything else beside band stuff?"

Eddie looks worried for a second then nods, avoiding my eyes as he mumbles "School." My eyebrows knit together, he must be around 20, how is he still...?

"Fair enough, I mean I'm not judging you, everyone has different things going on in their lives that affects requirements and shit." I smile, blushing as Eddie looks at me oddly, not in a bad way, but like he's finally seeing someone who understands him.

"You're one of the first people who haven't judged me for it, thank you." He mumbles, giving me a dimpled smile. I nod and and jot down a few more notes, I think I've got all I need to write a good story.

"I think that's everything, if all goes well the story should be published in the paper on Monday." I murmur, lost in the way Eddie's looking at me.

"Wait! Maybe you could bring me a copy, I mean you know where I spend my Tuesday's," he shyly asks, gesturing to the stage, I tuck my hair behind my ear and nod.

"Of course, I mean someone's gotta cheer you on, right?" I laugh, luckily Eddie laughs with me as he walks me to the exit.

"See you soon." He mumbles as I walk away.

I manage to write the paper the same night, with an endless supply of mountain dew and my cat sleeping soundly next to me, I smile as I stretch, finally passing out near my computer at three in the morning.


"That's all for tonight, we'll see you next week!" The drummer, Gareth, shouts as the set comes to an end.

I stand up as Eddie meets me halfway, a grin toys on his lips as he opens his hands for the Hawkins Post I promised him.

"Hello mysterious journalist, I see you've got the paper?" Eddie asks looking down at me.

I nod smiling, "Yeah, I even signed it for you, you know in case one day I'm a famous reporter."

Eddie chuckles and takes the paper from me, his fingers brush mine intentionally and he begins to read it. I wait for him to finish, smiling at his band who watch us with smirks.

"That was amazing, thank you for this, maybe we'll get an audience that actually remember that we've played for them before." Eddie smirks, tucking the paper into the back of his jeans.

"I'm sure you will..." I lead off. Eddie opens and closes his mouth as if to say something, but then decides to speak anyway.

"Do you wanna grab some food? Or we could go to the arcade?" He asks.

My eyes widen, but then I nod. "I'd love to."

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now