Stuck In The Bathroom

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"It's okay to disagree on things Eddie!" I exclaim slightly annoyed as we sit at the bar. The Hideout is pretty busy for a Thursday night and I'm surprised Eddie didn't insist on Corroded Coffin performing a pop up show.

"Not about this, don't you want to be happy at some smart ass college?" Eddie says in a higher pitch than usual. I sigh and shake my head, beginning to feel annoyed.

"I am happy, I've told you before, where you are is where I want to be. Just drop it." I mumble, glancing at the couple a few seats away who are watching our interaction.

"Fine" Eddie mumbles grumpily, grabbing his beer and taking a long swig. The dude next to me looks between Eddie and I curiously and I can't take the pressure. Without a word I get up and speed walk to the bathroom to be somewhere where there isn't someone watching my every move.

Before the door even closes behind me Eddie comes in mumbling "I'm sorry," luckily we're the only ones in here because any other female would freak out, "I just want the best for you." Eddie finishes as I lean on the sink taking a breath. I wait a second before nodding.

My shoulders deflate since I know Eddie's only trying to look out for me, "I know, just trust me to know what's best for me." I murmur. Eddie nods slowly as he walks towards me, his hands uncross my arms and hold my shoulders. All it takes is for him to smile at me and I melt, reaching up and pressing a delicate kiss to his cheek.

"Let's get back out there, the band's on in five." Eddie says. I nod and follow him, until he tries for the door and it doesn't budge.

"Oh shit." Eddie curses, pulling at the door harder. The door shakes but doesn't open, he turns to me with panic in his eyes, and I follow his lead.

"No, this can't be happening." I laugh weakly, feeling suddenly claustrophobic. I nudge Eddie out of the way with my hips and pull at the door, but it refuses to move. Great, that's just what we needed right now.

"Maybe someone will come?" Eddie suggests, pacing the small bathroom anxiously. I shake my head, turning to look at him with dread.

"The band's now onstage, everyone will be watching instead of coming in here." I mutter, hearing the screams and cheers from the audience.

Eddie stares at me pointedly then looks around, his eyes find a tiny window at the end of the bathroom. "I'll lift you up?"

I frown, opening my mouth to say something, my mind contemplates waiting here or getting out, so I walk towards Eddie as he crouches down and puts his hands together.

"On three?" I ask. Eddie nods and counts up then I step onto his hands, grunting as I pull myself up. My hands grip onto the windowsill as I look outside into the night, but I already know I'm not gonna fit through the tiny window, curse my female body parts, then again I know they're one of Eddie's favourite features about me, back to the point though.

Eddie's arms suddenly wrap around me as my sweaty palms slip, he catches me before I fall, holding me chest to chest with my shorter legs dangling like I'm some child.

"You can put me down Eddie." I mumble with a grin, Eddie shrugs but cranes his neck up and kisses me lightly.

All of a sudden the door opens and a girl my age walks in. She pauses and looks between Eddie and I. Quickly Eddie sets me down on my feet and clears his throat, a small blush covers his face.

"It's not what it looked like, we we're trapped." I splutter.

The girl looks at me is disbelief before nodding not so convincingly. "Sure," she drawls, "you do realise the door is push not pull right?" She nasally informs us.

I look up at Eddie before we both burst into laughter. Immediately I grab his hand and head to the door, making sure to push it not pull it. It works straight away.

"It's like we were made for each other." Eddie chuckles from behind me as we head back to the bar.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now