Not Your Mother

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"Did you remember to do your homework for tomorrow?" I ask Eddie as we sit my living room, a movie plays in the background as I look towards him. Eddie averts his eyes and shakes his head.

I let out an annoyed sigh, finally fed up of babying Eddie through school. "Really?" I snap, "I keep helping and helping you to pass your classes because you apparently can't, and now you can't even make the tiniest effort to do the bare minimum."

Eddie's eyes widen as he looks at me as if I'm slapped him. I know I'm going too far, but my pent up annoyance seems to tumble out. "I'm not your fucking mother Eddie, I shouldn't have to treat you like a child."

I know I've gone too far now, especially when Eddie stands up and grabs his jacket, heading for the door faster than I can catch up. Immediately I regret everything, I try to follow him out into the rain but by time I reach his van he's already reversing.

"Eddie, I'm sorry-" I shout, but he's already gone.

Tears fill my eyes as I stare down the empty road, the rain batters me and I'm forced to go back inside. As soon as I'm in I slump against the door, my sobs come heavy as I bring my knees to my chest. Why did I do that? I should have just kept quiet. I'm a terrible person, I knew using his mother against him would hurt, and I did it anyway.

At least an hour passes before I finally recover, wiping my puffy eyes I stand up, armed with a plan to apologise to Eddie and to try fix this thing between us.

I dial his home phone, but there's no answer. My fingers twirl against the phone line as I try another few times, but nobody picks up. With a deep breath I grab my coat and head back outside into the ongoing rain, getting into my car I drive safely to Eddie's trailer.

When I pull up I see that Eddie's van isn't there, which means Eddie definitely isn't home. The thought brings me so much anxiety I begin to tremble, my mind wanders to dark places. Have I upset him too far...

I close my eyes, forcing myself to think of where Eddie could be as the rain falls heavily on the car, the pat-pat-pat helps me concentrate.

He wouldn't go to the library at this hour.

He'd never go to Henderson's in such a state.

He could be with his friends, but I don't think he'd want to play guitar or be around them right now.

He could be at Reefer Rick's, it's isolated and he can get high.

I turn the car around and head to Rick's cabin, cursing the weather as I drive down a dirt road. After what seems like hours of safe driving I finally park near the cabin and get out, rushing under the cover of the tin roof.

"Eddie?" I call out, peering through the window. He isn't sat in his usual place by the window, and I can't imagine him being anywhere else in the cabin getting high.

I lean against the door, fresh tears coat my eyes as my hope drifts away, until I finally see a figure sitting on the dock, Eddie's legs swing as he sits as if it's a spring day, unbothered by the rain or the fact he must be freezing.

"Eddie!" I exclaim, rushing to him. As soon as I approach I see the empty bottle of whisky next to him. Alright, so he wasn't getting high, he was getting drunk. Guess I deserve that.

"Eddie?" I whisper, crouching behind him. He turns to look at me, his eyes are red rimmed and I can't tell if it's tears falling down his face or the rain.

He shivers and turns back to the water, "You're right, I should be able to manage myself better by now." He mumbles, suddenly grabbing the bottle and throwing it into the lake with a cry.

I bite my lip to keep from sobbing, then sit beside him and cup his freezing cheek. Eddie's sad eyes meet mine, "I'm so sorry I said that, it was out of line and I'll never say it again. I just want the best for you, even if you don't want it for yourself." I murmur, my thumb brushes his cheekbone.

Eddie's shoulders slump as he nods once, "I know, it's okay, I'd be pissed to."

My face crumpes and Eddie wraps an arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer as I cry. I cling onto him, reaching for his other hand as I intertwine our cold fingers together.

"Can you forgive me for saying it?" I manage to get out after a few minutes, my lips are quickly numbing from the cold.

Eddie nods and presses a kiss to my forehead, then wobbly stands up with me. "Yeah, it's not like I haven't said shit that I regret in the past. don't have to treat me like a kid, if I fail it's down to me. I'm responsible for my actions"

I nod and slide my arm around his middle as we both walk to the cabin, eager to get inside and dry off from the rain. "I know, I just want life to be easier for you, lord knows you deserve it."

Eddie smiles and leans his head against mine, opening the door and letting me through first. As soon as we're in he pulls me to the couch and lies on top of me, his arms cocoon me as we share each others warmth.

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