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I sit happily on the swing seat holding my mostly empty cup of tea and my book, the birds call to one another as the sun begins to set over Lovers Lake, I breathe in a deep sigh just as Eddie comes outside, lighting up a cigarette and taking the empty space next to me, causing the book to fall out of my hands.

"Why do you look like an 80 year old woman?" He smirks as I shoot him a glare, bending over to pick up my book.

"I don't. I'm just naturally calm and cosy." I mumble, putting my cup down and dusting off my book. I find the page I was on and continue reading as Eddie takes a drag, he leans his head down and rests it against my shoulder.

A gentle evening breeze blows the trees, the leaves rustle and gently fall onto the decking, their orange tinge creating the perfect fall atmosphere.

"That's definitely cosy, how'd he do that?" Eddie mumbles, I ignore him, too immersed into my book until I realise he's spoken, a minute later I notice his eyes are scanning my page, his eyebrows raised as far as they'll go.

"Oh my God, don't read that!" I shriek, slamming my book shut and throwing it over the railing in desperation.

Eddie bursts into laughter as my cheeks burn, I can't look at his eyes as I stand up and cross my arms.

"My oh my, your taste in literature is questionable, what happened to your Jane Austen?" Eddie teases, grinning up at me. I flip him off and walk down the steps to pick up my book, except Eddie quickly rushes to follow me, throwing his half finished cigarette onto the grass.

"I wanna see what happens next!" He shouts laughing, running past me towards my book, I open my mouth in a shout, diving into a pile of leaves for my paperback.

Eddie tackles me seconds later, his body collides with mine as he leans over me, his hands grapple mine as I squeeze my fingers around the pages, bringing them closer to my chest.

"No! No! No! If you read this I'll die!" I exclaim as Eddie chuckles into my hair, his breath warm on my ear as his large ringed hand cover mine, he's stronger than me so he easily flips me over until I'm laying underneath him, leaves tangle into my hair as I wriggle to grab the book from him.

Eddie straddles me and pins my wrists above my head with one hand as he leans back, opening the book with his other hand and grinning down at me.

"She let out a silent scream as he thrusted into her like no man has before, his-" Eddie reads dramatically, but I lift my hips to buck him off, however it has no affect on Eddie, well maybe one.

He looks down at me, his eyes change from playful to lustful in an instant. "You're so maddening." He mumbles, closing the book and leaning his face to mine, his lips hover just over my mouth and I whimper for the contact.

"You know exactly what those kinds of sounds do to me Y/N, do you really wanna do this?" He deeply murmurs.

"I could always go inside and read my book...alone." I whisper, Eddie shakes his head, his arms scoop me up with one move as he stands up, his hand cups my ass as he slings me over his shoulder and takes me into the cabin.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now