Summer Kisses

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"I swear I'm not moving from this couch." I mumble as my legs hang off of the side, Eddie chuckles as he walks past in his jeans, I've never been so glad of the humid Hawkins weather, Eddie's decided to forgo a tee today.

"Uh yeah you are sweetheart, I've glad plans for us." He grins, turning around to pull me up. I reluctantly sit up as Eddie wiggles his brows.

"What plans? It's too hot to do much." I sigh as Eddie beckons me to follow him. He reaches on top of the cupboards and pulls out two water pistols as well as a few water balloons.

"War?" I laugh, grabbing the packet and emptying them out near the sink, I turn on the tap as Eddie grabs a bag for us to put them in.

"Don't worry I'll be gentle." He coos teasingly, grabbing my hips as he stands behind me, pressing a delicate kiss to my neck.

"Maybe I want to be rough." I murmur, Eddie's eyes widen as I snort, doubling over in laughter as he scoops some water and wets his face.

Once the pistols and balloons are filled, we head outside into the trailer park, the late afternoon sun beams down as other people sit in deckchairs and some kids run around. We stray near the woods so we can have some form of privacy, already the adults glare at us as if we're planning on terrorising them instead of trying to cool off.

I grab the hair tie from my wrist and begin grabbing my hair but Eddie stops me by gently lowering my wrist. "Let me do it." He softly says, standing behind me and carefully tying up my hair better than I could. I reach up and thank him with a kiss, smirking as I quickly duck down and grab a water balloon, launching it at his head.

It smacks him in the chest instead, popping immediately as water runs down. I momentarily get distracted by the view, which allows Eddie time to grab a water pistol and aim it at me.

"You wanted rough sweetheart." Eddie calls out as a stream of water blasts the side of my head. I screech from the icy coolness and run away, doing a lap around the outside of the trailer so I can grab my own pistol.

When I reach it, Eddie's nowhere to be found. I shake water away from my face and look around, then suddenly I hear footsteps above me. I have just enough time to look up before I see Eddie standing on the roof of the trailer, beaming down at me before he launches a water balloon. I dive to the grass, missing it my inches before I aim the gun at Eddie and shoot the water, he lets out a shout and climbs off, grinning as we both stubbornly keep shooting at each other.

My water gun runs out first, then Eddie's does seconds later. He knees on top of me, dripping water all around me as he cups my face and kisses me. "You're actually quite a good shot." He says out of breath.

I laugh as I sit up between his legs. "Yeah, and you're so competitive." Eddie waves it off and falls onto his back on the grass, I lie beside him as we stare up at the clouds, talking about things we can see before the sun begins to set.

"Hungry?" Eddie asks. I nod and we head back inside now it's dry, Eddie pulls out a disposable barbecue and some burgers, I grab some stuff Eddie prepared in a bag earlier and we go outside, once again away from any judgy adults who'll probably complain about fire safety, I know Eddie's careful anyway.

Eddie lights it up with his lighter and takes the burgers from me, turning them after some time until they're brown. The smell makes my stomach growl, which also earns me a look from Eddie. He reaches into the bag and passes me a can of my favourite drink, opening it before letting me take it. I gulp it down as Eddie then prepares the rolls, putting the burgers in and some sauce, then once again he passes it to me.

We clink our burgers with grins, and eat whilst talking about random things. Eddie also brought some more snacks, so we eat them too. By the time we're done it's dark, and the only light comes from the fire that's still going, though dim it's enough for us to see each other.

"How did you plan this all so perfectly?"  I ask as Eddie lies down on the grass, I snuggle up to him since it's cooler.

"Would you believe me if I said I'm just a romance dude?" Eddie mumbles, I shake my head playfully, Eddie chuckles as he kisses my lips. "I got a few tips from Harrington, seems like he's the expert when it comes to summer plans."

That makes sense. "Well either way, thank you." I whisper as Eddie's arm wraps around my shoulders, he smiles warmly at me and I can't help kissing him again, this time deeper.

"Look, it's you." Eddie murmurs looking up at the summer sky. I narrow my eyes, trying to see what he's looking at.

"A star?" I ask confused.

Eddie shakes his head as his eyes meet mine. "My universe."

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now