Camping Conundrums

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"Crap, I should've checked the tent before we left." Nancy huffs as she unpacks the tent from the bag, holding it up I finally see the problem, actually I see straight through it, there's a massive hole in the side of the tent.

"That's alright, you can just share with me." Robin smiles gesturing to the two person tent she's already set up in the woods.

I frown and look around at the small circle of tents, "Well I'm not sleeping in a tree," I sigh, Steve gives me a look as if to say I could, whilst Nancy and Robin look as if they're trying to figure something out.

"You can share mine," Eddie pipes up, everyone including me look at him strangely, he shrugs and shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans, "I mean there's space, nothing weird is gonna happen if that's what you're all wondering."

The group look to me since it's my call. I have no other option, so I nod and walk to Eddie's tent, shoving my bag inside. It's fairly spacious and I'm still surprised Eddie set the whole thing up, there's a lantern and a sleeping bag unpacked already with a few extra blankets and a flask of something.

I unpack my things next to Eddie's, soon realising that the space is getting smaller and smaller as I settle in. Once done I crawl back out to see everyone gathered around a campfire, the sun is already setting and Nancy brings over a pack of marshmallows and some sticks.

"Wanna see who can eat the most?" Robin grins nudging her shoulder against Steve's.

He shakes his head as I sit down beside Eddie, "Nah, can't have too many, I've gotta keep up the physique for the ladies." His eyebrows waggle.

We all hold back our laughs as we begin toasting the marshmallows and talking about random things. We play a few games until Nancy and Steve begin yawning.

"I think it's bedtime kiddos." Robin teases as we all say goodnight and head to our tents.

Eddie gestures for me to go in first, so I do, watching as he follows and zips the door up. The space soon grows awkward until Eddie breaks the silence.

"Want something to drink?" He smiles passing me the flask I spotted earlier, hesitantly I nod and take it, sipping on the drink until it burns my throat.

"Since when is alcohol a suitable bedtime beverage?" I splutter quietly to not wake the others.

Eddie shrugs as he takes it from me and downs some. "Since I decided camping was a terrible idea and I wanted something to pass the time."

I roll my eyes and lie down, but Eddie stops me as I get halfway. "Okay I'm sorry, how about we do something else instead?"

I raise my eyebrows thinking he means something else, when he realises where my mind has gone too he shakes his head and laughs it off. "No, no, not that. What about scary stories?"

I sit up and give him a look. "Scary stories, what are you, five?"

Eddie huffs but I add "Fine, just don't wake me up if you have any nightmares."

Eddie nods and we begin telling each other stories about lake monsters and secret labs full of monsters, soon enough time passes and owls begin to hoot, the only light comes from Eddie's lantern and the atmosphere suddenly becomes awfully eerie.

"...and they say he visits reckless teens deep in the woods, awaiting his revenge forever more." Eddie finishes in a funny voice. I'm never going to admit he's terrified me, so I burrow deeper into my sleeping bag.

All of a sudden something scrapes the side of the tent and Eddie and I let out shrieks of fear, clinging onto each other for dear life.

"Steve!" I hear Nancy scold as Steve's laughter fills the night.

"Very funny!" I call out as my shoulders slump, his footsteps die away.

"Wanna let go of my hand, I mean I don't have a problem staying like this all night." Eddie teases, I look down to see my hand gripping his, our fingers laced together.

I blush and let go, before laying down and getting comfy facing Eddie. He does the same and turns the lantern off, but I scoot closer to him once again scared.

His arm drapes around my waist as his other arm snakes under my pillow and brings my head to his chest, I breathe in his scent and take calming breaths.

"Don't worry I'll protect you from the squirrels." Eddie quietly murmurs teasingly.

I poke his stomach, "Shut up, you got scared too." 

Eddie chuckles, "Fair enough, so you want me to let go of you?"

"No." I quickly say, too quickly really. Eddie lets out a breath of relief as I close my eyes.

"Good, because I like having you here." He whispers as we fall asleep tangled together in the darkness, the lull of the gentle breeze and owls our only reminder of the outside world.

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