Sight For Sore Eyes

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AN: This is a request and features a reader who's partially blind. I don't know much detail about the topic so I've tried my best♡

It's my first day at Hawkins High and I'm already running late for my first class. After meeting with the principal and discussing my needs, though it's debatable if the school actually cares, I was then sent on my way, without a map.

I hesitantly knock on the door to the class, then step inside, immediately feeling shy and sick as eyes turn to me, judging me suspiciously as I approach the teacher. There's supposed to be a seat for me at the front, but low and behold someone's in it.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I'm Y/N  Y/L/N, I'm supposed to have a seat at the front..." I lead off as students begin whispering to each other.

The teacher nods and points to a guy in my seat, he's definitely some kind of jock. "Move to the seat behind." The jock frowns and opens his mouth to argue, but one pointed look from the teacher and he moves, glaring at me as he packs up his single pencil and notebook. I smile politely and sit down, feeling the eyes of the students on me as I get out my supplies.

The teacher continues as if nothings happened, I'm confused and don't even know what we're supposed to be learning. "Here, copy this." One brown haired dude says from beside me, his matching brown eyes seem friendly, a massive contrast to his metal head outfit. I mumble a thanks and quickly copy his chicken scratch notes as best I can, smiling at the silly drawings at the top of the page.

I pass them back and look up to the board in front of me, adjusting my glasses as they slip down my nose. I turn to see the kind metal head watching me with curiosity, a small smile titling his lips.

"And now I want you to work in pairs, complete this quiz and the winning pair doesn't get homework this week."

Everyone immediately jumps at the opportunity, switching seats and scrambling around the class as they get into pairs. I look around, fiddling with my pen nervously until the kind dude slides his chair over to my desk. "I'm Eddie, it's nice to see someone new in this shitty class."

My eyes widen at his openness, I take his hand and shake. "I'm Y/N, it doesn't seem that bad..." I lead off, actually it does.

"So, why do you need to sit at the front, got worries about being bullied?" Eddie asks as he begins to fill in the quiz paper, I'm surprised he's actually quite smart and doesn't seem to second guess the answers.

I wonder if I should lie, but decide against it. "I'm partially blind, it just makes things easier." I shrug, Eddie's just nods, not asking any other questions or making fun of me like people usually do.

We end up winning thanks to Eddie, then at the end of the class he asks if I want to eat lunch with him, I nod and agree to meet him in the cafeteria.

A couple hours later I'm stood in the middle of the dreaded cafeteria, tray in hand as I try and search for Eddie and his table, but there's so many students and my anxiety is through the roof.

"Need to take my table?" The jock from earlier teases from behind me, I turn and almost spill my food, frowning as he smiles at me nastily. I stay silent, the jocks eyes move behind me and I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Back off Patrick, she's with me." Eddie threatens. Patrick gives Eddie a scowl before storming off. I turn to Eddie as he smiles at me, then leads me to a table filled with outcasts, they all seem nice and introduce themselves as we eat.

"So, do you like DnD?" Eddie asks, nibbling on a pretzel. I nod.

"Yeah, I used to play with some friends before I moved away." I grin, reminiscing about the fun times when I was accepted.

"Well, we're going to be great friends." Eddie murmurs. Gareth coughs as he smirks, "And more."

Eddie glares at him as he throws a pretzel, hitting Gareth's cheek. "Nah, she's just a sight for sore eyes." Eddie laughs as he gives me a wink.

My eyes widen, oh god is he making fun of me, I glance at Eddie, but see no ill intention, if anything he's looking at me with joy and something else. I relax my shoulders then decide to perk up.

"Are you serious?" I ask. Eddie's eyes widen in fear, he holds his hands up in surrender as the rest of the table 'oohs'.

"I didn't mean it like that, I just meant you're really pretty." Eddie rambles without taking a breath.

I laugh and nudge him with my elbow, "I'm kidding, it's okay. And thank you."

Eddie lets out a small breath and nods, I smile as he chuckles, then turns to talk to a kid named Dustin. I look around the table, I've only known these people for a single lunchtime but already they make me feel welcome and included, despite my difference to other students.

I feel less like a burden or outcast and more like a friend, and for once I'm okay to embrace myself rather than hide it and feel ashamed or embarrassed. I think Gareth is right, Eddie and I will get along very well.

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