Did He Now? (SMUT)

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AN: This imagine features a possessive/ jealous Eddie🔥

I huff as I shut the passenger door, glad to finally be back. "You're driving gives me anxiety!" I say angrily, waiting at Eddie's front door as he locks the van. He looks up at me with a raised eyebrow, his expression doesn't look too impressed.

"We're still alive, aren't we?" He snarkily asks, brushing past me to open the door. As soon as we get in I turn to Eddie and snap.

"Steve never used to drive like a maniac, he was always careful when I was in the car and followed the law." I immediately regret what came out of my mouth, though to be fair it is true. Eddie's eyebrows drop as he steps towards me slowly, and I can tell I've really pissed him off and made him jealous. He gets possessive so easily since we got back together.

"Did he now?" He drawls, I stand my ground as he finally reaches me, Eddie looks down at me with a small smile tilting his lips, "Maybe you should get back with King Steve so he can drive you everywhere."

I avert my eyes, feeling a blush cover my cheeks. "I-I don't want him" I stutter, suddenly feeling nervous. The energy between me and Eddie has changed, it's suddenly pure jealousy and need.

"Good, because you're mine. If you think I don't care about your safety then you're mistaken sweetie, I care more about your life than my own." Eddie deeply murmurs, his hands wrap around my middle as he pulls me to him, our chests touch as he leans his lips towards mine, not quite touching.

"Tell me something, did Steve ever make your heart race as fast as it is now?" Eddie mumbles, his hand trails up my side to my neck, gently squeezing as his thumb covers my pulse.

My eyes meet Eddie's dark ones, his face is blank. "No," I whisper. Eddie smirks and presses one feather light kiss to my lips before then asking "Did he ever touch you like this?"

Eddie's other hand trails up my top, his fingers rub over my bra, making my nipples pebble. I gasp at the contact, shaking my head.

"Words sweetheart, I need to hear them." Eddie coos.

"No he didn't." I breathily say, arching my back as he chuckles and presses another light kiss to the side of my mouth.

Eddie suddenly picks me up, his hand covers my ass as he carries me to his bed, throwing me down as he climbs on top of me. One of his hands squeezes my chin as his other hand begins unbuttoning my jeans.

"One last question, are you as wet as I think you are?" He murmurs, looking at me as if I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

I close my legs together, embarrassed that he's right. He nods at my reaction, licking his lips as he scoots lower down the bed and pulls down everything that's covering my bottom half.

I gasp at the cold air, Eddie parts my legs with his arm, before giving me a look that asks for permission. "Please," I cry, feeling overwhelmed with desire and the need for release.

Eddie obeys, his tongue swivels around and reaches all the right places, I can't help but to whimper at the feeling, already dripping from just his mouth. Eddie adds two fingers, pumping inside of me at a slow pace as the pressure builds and builds.

"Yes, please don't stop!" I manage to gasp out, my hands instinctively find Eddie's hair and pull as he speeds up, causing the bed to squeak slightly.

Finally I come undone, but Eddie doesn't stop until I'm panting and fully at his mercy. He looks up at me, sticking the two fingers in his mouth and sucking on them seductively.

"You're a dessert I could eat forever." He murmurs. I sit up on my elbows, looking down to see the tent in his jeans.

"Can I....?" I shyly ask. Eddie's eyes widen a little but then he nods, pulling off his clothes and laying beside me.

With hesitancy I grab him with one hand, seeing a glisten at the tip already, before putting him in my mouth.

"Jesus Christ Y/N" He groans, his ringed hand grabs my hair and moves it out if the way as I suck him, going only as deep as I'm comfortable with. Eddie doesn't seem to mind, his gasps and soft moans encourage me to swirl my tongue around him, tasting him.

"You're doing so well for me sweetheart, I'm not gonna last much longer." He grunts, his hips begin to buck.

Just as his moans became higher pitched I take him out of my mouth to quickly take off my top and bra before going back to finish him.

Eddie's hand releases his grip on the bedsheets and teases my nipple, rolling it between his fingers. I moan with him in my mouth, and Eddie finally comes.

"Oh fuck," he whimpers, filling my mouth. Afterwards he passes me a tissue from his nightstand, knowing I don't like to swallow.

I climb into Eddie's open arms, my leg hooks over his as we lie together skin to skin. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" He softly asks, stroking circles lazily on my back.

I shake my head, feeling heavy and ready for a nap. "I'm okay, just tired."

Eddie nods, squeezing me to him in a hug. "I love you more than you could ever comprehend."

"I love you too Eddie." I reply, closing my eyes as he pulls the blankets over us.

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