The Chiefs Daughter PART TWO

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Previously: Reader was waiting for her dad, Jim Hopper Aka the chief of police, when she met Eddie Munson. High school weirdo and drug dealer. Eddie and YN got along really well despite Hoppers warnings for YN not to speak to Eddie, and Eddie confessed that he has a massive crush on YN. Eddie asked YN to go on a date much to Hoppers disliking, after that Hopper dragged YN home with a warning not to speak to Eddie again...

I sit in the library as usual during my break time, choosing the table nestled at the back away from all the students. I sigh and pull out my romance novel, relishing in the fictional characters who would die for each other, dreaming I was the heroine with a man who loved her more than life itself.

Close footsteps capture my attention, and I look up just in time to see Eddie Munson peek his head around the bookshelf. His eyes scan the area curiously until they find me, as soon as he sees me a small smile tilts his lips and he steps out, walking towards me. Hurriedly I shut my book and turn over the cover so Eddie can't see what I'm reading.

"You're weren't kidding when you said you liked to be away from people, this is practically another building." Eddie chuckles, taking the seat opposite me.

I smile back, "People are tricky, books not so much." I reply, feeling like embarrassed all of a sudden, people don't usually say things like that around here.

Luckily Eddie doesn't judge, he just nods and toys with the rings on his fingers. "So, did you dad give you a whole lecture on the way home last night?"

I huff a laugh, giving Eddie a look. "Absolutely, I received the whole 'bad boys make bad boyfriends' talk"

Eddie quirks an eyebrow and leans back in his chair, his feet rest on another chair next to him as he lounges. "I wouldn't consider myself that. I'd say I'm more of a helper."

It's my turn to lift an eyebrow incredulously. "Helper? You literally deal drugs to hormonal teenagers."

Eddie opens his mouth to say something, then closes it. He watches me for a moment with curiosity, as if nobody has ever questioned him or his motives. His smile fades as he avoids his eyes, staring at the table as he softly murmurs "Gotta make money somehow, since my dad left and my mom ran for the hills I don't exactly have financial stability. I mean my uncle works nights at the plant, but we barely get by."

I don't know what to say to that, so instead I lean forward and place my hand over Eddie's. His brown sad eyes meet mine as I brush my thumb over the top of his hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have judged you like that. I guess you're right, you gotta do what you gotta do."

Eddie nods then clears his throat, playing off the moment with a sudden grin. "So, about that date?"

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "I would if I could, but my dad would never let me leave the house, and I'm a terrible liar."

Eddie purses his lips and pauses for a moment as I sit back in my seat, putting my book away since the bell is going to ring any moment now.

"What about here?"

"Here what?" I ask confused.

"Have a date with me at lunchtime, trust me. There's a spot in the woods near the field, meet me there at lunch and leave the rest to me."

I look at him skeptically. I never figured Eddie was a serial killer, but I guess you never know. It would be wise to decline and keep safe, but something tells me Eddie wouldn't hurt me, so I find myself nodding and mumbling "Okay" just as the bell rings for class.

Eddie grins to the point where his dimples show, and my heart skips a beat. "See you soon." He mumbles as he gets up and slips away.

As soon as lunchtime rolls around I'm starving and nervous, a terrible combination. I follow Eddie's instructions, walking across the empty field and straight into the woods. It's dark but quiet, which is oddly comforting.

I step into a clearing and immediately see Eddie looking up at me from a picnic bench filled with cafeteria snacks and cans of Coke.

I smile at the odd thoughtfulness of it all, taking the space opposite him. "This looks..." I lead off, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, well best I can do for now." Eddie smirks, passing me a sandwich wrapped up. I accept and thank him, before digging in as Eddie joins me.

We talk for a while about our hobbies and life outside of school, and by the time we've both ran out of breath speaking I'm convinced he's my soulmate, we have so much in common and I can kind of tell his crush on me isn't just a tiny one. He seems to know a lot about me just from class and observing me from afar.

"I guess that's our date over." I smile once the food is gone and the conversation ends, standing up and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

Eddie pulls out a pack of cigarettes, setting them on the table. He stands up, as if he's debating something.

"Can I kiss you?" 
"Should we kiss?"

We both say at the same time, laughing once we realise. I nod and Eddie doesn't waste any time, his hands cup my cheeks as he leans down and presses a light kiss to my mouth, I lean in for more but he pulls away, his nose brushes mine.

"We should take things slow." He whispers, I nod breathless, but pull him in for another kiss anyway.

At the end of the school day my dad picks me up in the police car after his shift.

"How was school? You didn't see that Munson kid did you?" Hopper asks side eyeing me as he drives to the exit.

I shake my head, looking out of the window just as Eddie hops in his van, giving me a wink.

"Nope," I weakly say, "didn't even see him."

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