Grabbing The Van

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TW: This imagine features an attempted attack/fight on the street.


Eddie wraps his arm around me as we get up from our seats, the cinema is rapidly emptying since it's pretty late at night, a lot of people are eager to get home. 

"So, did you like it sweetheart?" Eddie asks, smiling warmly as he looks down at me awaiting a response. 

I nod exaggeratedly as we beeline around a few people waiting in the lobby, "It was so good, I loved the part when they finally found out who the bad guy was, I wasn't prepared for the emotional damage." 

Eddie chuckles at my dramatic reply as we head out of the door and into the chilly autumn air. I shiver since I didn't bring a jacket, so Eddie slips his leather jacket off and tucks it around me, I contendly nuzzle into the warmth as the dim lights around us barely light our way down the street. I silently curse the fact that the cinema doesn't have a car park, and Eddie had to park the van a ten minute walk away. 

He stops as my teeth begin to chatter, frowning to himself before biting his lower lip. I raise my eyebrows and question as he looks around then back at me. "How about I go get the van and save you from hypothermia? I can run and come pick you up faster than it'll take both of us to walk there." 

A wave of unease washes over me, but I look around and see a few couples and groups of friends lingering around the street. The cinema is the only building currently open since it's a late Saturday night in Hawkins. This sleepy town wouldn't know nightlife if the sun never rose again. I finally nod reluctantly, "Sure, just be quick okay?" 

Eddie nods and grabs my arms, he quickly pulls me in for a hug and presses a kiss to my forehead before he mumbles a "Be right back" and runs off into the night. 

I look around anxiously, but take a few deep breaths  to calm myself. Chill out Y/N, Eddie will be back soon with the van and you'll be home sooner than you can say 'yippee'.

I tug Eddie jacket over my shoulders tighter as the couples begin to wander off hand in hand. A few cars come and pick up the friend groups until I'm eventually left on my own. An eerie silence accompanies me as I stand alone under a street light, my eyes dart to every shadow, but I know I'm overreacting. 

"Hey, isn't that the freaks girlfriend?" A voice calls from down the street. I jump out of my skin and turn around, eyes wide like a frightened deer. Fuck, jocks. 

A group of them slowly stalk towards me, I notice a couple of them carry brown paper bags with open bottles in them, one takes a swig and burps loudly as they stumble and laugh, shouting chaos into the night. My breathing picks up as they get closer and closer. I debate going back into the cinema but just as I take a step forward a hand grabs my shoulder and I whirl around coming face to face with one of the jocks. 

"Did the freak leave you? Don't worry we'll take care of you." He laughs, winking and waggling his eyebrows. I scoff and step back, only to bump into the chest of another jock. 

Panic overcomes me, and I tense up like a cat ready to attack. The jocks laugh between each other, being loud as tears fill my eyes. I'm not good with confrontation, yet alone this. 

"Hey, don't cry we just want to-" one begins but headlights shine in their faces and Eddie's van screeches to a stop beside the curb. They all back off as Eddie storms out of the van, a look of murder in his eyes as he grabs my arm and pulls me behind him. 

"Were they being assholes to you?" Eddie asks me over his shoulder. I want to say yes, but I know what Eddie would do, so I shake my head and clear my throat. 

"No, they were just leaving." I mumble, reaching out to tug Eddie back. Eddie stares at the jocks for a second longer before nodding and getting back into the van as I rush over to the passengers side. I climb in and Eddie waits for me to clip my seat belt before driving away, opening the window to flip them off as we turn the corner. 

I can't help it, I let out a small laugh from the terrifying experience, my adrenaline is so high right now I could probably climb a mountain without stopping for breath. Eddie gives me an odd look as he turns the radio down, putting the heater on as he grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. 

"Are you alright? I'm sorry it look longer than expected, the damn van decided to be an asshole and not start." Eddie explains sounding guilty. I shake my head as his hand rests on my thigh. 

"It's okay, I'm fine, they're just drunk jocks who think they're entitled to say what they want." I shrug, the feeling of fear dissipating as Eddie's presence comfrts me. 

He frowns as his grip on the steering wheel tightens, he turns to me suddenly, "What did they say? I swear I'm going to kill-" 

My eyes widen as I cover Eddie's hand with my own, careful to not disrupt his driving. "Nothing! Let's just leave it, I'd like to forget the whole thing." 

Eddie exhales and nods, pulling up to my house. We both get out and I let Eddie in since I know my parents aren't home. Eddie heads to the kitchen as I rush upstairs to put some pyjamas on, just as I'm done changing Eddie comes in holding two mugs. I frown and take one, smiling immediately when I see it's hot chocolate with mini marshmallows in. 

"I feel really bad..." Eddie mumbles, setting his mug down and running a hand down his face. I set mine aside and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down as his face buries into my hair.

"Eddie seriously, it's not a big deal. Let's just promise to stick together for now on at night okay?" 

Eddie nods and pulls back, I cup his cheeks and kiss him, my lips lingering on his before I pull away and drag him into bed. I grab my mug and sip as I pull out my book, Eddie smiles and leans his body against mine, his head rests on my shoulder as he reads with me, but on more than one occasion I catch him staring at me lovingly. 

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now