Third Wheeling

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Eddie kisses me as soon as I step into the trailer, I can already see the snacks scattered across the coffee table near the TV, a blanket is set up on the couch and Eddie wiggles his eyebrows suggestively as he taps his jeans pocket, implying there's something inside.

I reach up and kiss him once more before taking off my jacket and getting comfortable, Eddie puts on the movie and we snuggle in close, his arm is draped around my shoulders as his other hand reaches into the popcorn bowl between us. About halfway through the movie Eddie's hands begin roaming my thighs, inching closer and closer-

The front door swings open making us both jump, his uncle Wayne comes through with a heavy sigh, already taking off his hat and coat.

"Oh hey Y/N," he smiles politely at me, I smile back awkwardly, thank God Eddie and I held out until now, I'd be mortified if his uncle found know what, I don't need to explain.

His uncle walks to the fridge as Eddie and I calm down, now sitting a reasonable distance away from each other, like a couple who are most definitely not five seconds away from  tearing each others clothes off.

Wayne pops open a beer before coming to the couch, he slides past Eddie and sits right in the middle, once again letting out a long sigh. "Oh wait a minute, did you want to-" He begins turning to me, he points to the tiny gap between him and Eddie, but I shake my head.

"It's alright, you're settled now." I say, but inside I'm both laughing and crying.

"Well are you gonna press play or what?" Wayne asks Eddie, who looks shocked at this whole event. Eddie nods and presses play, I grip the popcorn bowl as a few more minutes pass of complete silence, could this get anymore awkward?

Wayne shoves his hand into the popcorn bowl, munching loudly as Eddie gives me a look without Wayne noticing. I almost burst out laughing but contain myself, Wayne is completely oblivious.

"Uh, Uncle Wayne?" Eddie mumbles, he repeats himself louder for a second time, and this time Wayne pays half attention.


"We were, I mean, could you just..." Eddie rambles, sounding unsure of himself, as if finally catching on, Wayne's eyes widen and he looks between me and Eddie.

"Oh," he laughs, "You two had a thing going on here?"

I blush as Wayne begins to stand up, but I gently put my hand on his arm to stop him. "No, no it's okay, Eddie just wanted to change the movie, right Eddie?" I say, glancing at Eddie, I'm hoping he gets my idea.

"Right, yeah, this one's boring." Eddie stutters, giving me a smile to let me know he's on the same page.

Eddie stands up and changes the VHS before this time walking around the table and coming to my side, Eddie takes the spot next to me and it seems like once again everything is right in the world.

Until Wayne begins snoring loudly. Eddie huffs a laugh in my ear as he links our fingers together, I lean my head against his chest to suppress my giggle.

"Stop, he's had a long day." I try to scold Eddie, but Eddie's chest keeps bouncing from his silent laughter.

"Nope, I can't do it anymore," Eddie whispers standing up and pulling me with him, "Let's go."

I glance at Wayne, before following Eddie into his room. Eddie closes the door behind him seconds before grabbing my hips and kissing my neck.

"Not whilst Wayne's home, you know the rules." I mumble breathlessly as Eddie tugs on my top, he leans his forehead against mine panting.

"You're right," he chuckles, "Think you can hold on until morning when he leaves again?"

I quirk an eyebrow up as I put my hands on his chest, "Can you?" I tease.

Eddie's face is pure torture as he curses under his breath, I laugh as I slip past him to get into bed, grabbing a magazine as Eddie silently bangs his forehead against the wall, pleading to God.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now