Pinky Cuddles

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I smile at Eddie as he sits on the floor of his bedroom, his guitar in his hands as he mindlessly plays whatever song comes to mind, I look down at the magazine I was reading, once again intrigued by the article, until I feel Eddie's hand rest on my ankle.

I gasp and sit up, pulling away from him as he holds his hand up, looking at me with a mix of shock and concern. I open my mouth to apologise but Eddie beats me to it.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, you just looked so cute and-" He breaks off as I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I'm not used to physical contact from anyone, my parents aren't exactly cuddly and I'm new to the world of relationships, Eddie knows this but sometimes he forgets.

"It's alright, you just made me jump." I smile, forcing myself to reach out and pat his shoulder. Eddie nods and climbs onto the bed with me, keeping a distance between us as he peels the magazine from my hands.

I furrow my brows as he puts it aside and holds up a pinky. I stare at it in confusion until Eddie's shoulders deflate and he explains. "I know you're still not used to cuddling me, so why don't we try pinky cuddles?"

"Pinky cuddles?" I laugh, covering my mouth as Eddie grins.

"Yeah, since we're not snuggling up, maybe our pinkies can."

I think on it, Eddie and I rarely hold hands so this seems out of my comfort zone, however at the same time I'm desperate to touch him, to feel him against me and even kiss him one day. Small steps, and pinkies I can live with.

"Alright." I nod, hesitantly reaching up and holding my pinky finger out, Eddie doesn't move forward, he patiently waits for me to be ready, and a few seconds later I link my pinky with his, wrapping it tightly as Eddie grins.

"Cute, I'm proud of you." He murmurs, watching our linked pinkies. I smile, it doesn't feel as scary as I thought, admittedly my hands are getting sweaty, but Eddie doesn't comment, he seems content with anything I offer, never pushing me too far, only helping and understanding.

But at the moment, I feel safe, I feel like I want more than my pinky touching him. Anxiety rocks through me but I smother it down, telling myself nothing bad is going to happen.

"Eddie?" I shyly ask, I can feel my cheeks burning up.

He looks at me with full attention, his brown eyes kind and full of admiration for me.

"Can we...can I...can we try a hug?" I mumble, Eddie's eyes widen as he nods slowly.

"Absolutely, only if you're sure, and you can push me away if it gets too much, say the word and I'll back off." He tells me, opening his arms a little for me to climb into.

I bite my lip, thinking of hug procedure and what I've seen from other couples. With a sharp and sudden inhale I scoot forward closer to Eddie's warmth, our pinkies still linked as I lean against his chest, my other arm wraps around his middle shakily.

Eddie hesitantly snakes his arm around me, caging me in, I thought it would feel like a prison, but instead I feel protected. I close my eyes as my head lolls just under his chin. "This okay?" He whispers as if he's careful to scare me.

"Yeah, it's nice." I murmur, smiling as Eddie rests his chin on the top of my head. I sigh and sit for a few minutes, but I soon begin to feel awkward and hot.

Eddie senses my discomfort and removes his arms from around me, letting me scoot away again and have some space. "You did great sweetheart." Eddie grins.

I smile back, grabbing my magazine and going back to reading feeling proud and so lucky to have Eddie.

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