Love And What Comes After (Slight Smut)

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AN: This imagine does feature sexual content but nothing heavily described.

Eddie's hands tangle in my hair as we kiss on his bed, Iron Maiden plays in the background as he smiles against my lips, his hands rest casually on my waist, never reaching for more. Eddie and I haven't ever gone past a few touches, I know Eddie's had sex in the past, but since I haven't we've agreed to wait until I'm ready.

I roll onto Eddie as the kiss gets more heated, tonight I'm feeling like I'm ready to take things further with Eddie, God knows I want to, I'm just...nervous.

Eddie can sense my internal conflict, he gently rolls us over so I'm the one on my back, Eddie's elbows rest either side of my head as he gazes down at me. His finger gently taps my nose as he softly asks "What's on your mind?"

I bite my lip, my anxiety about the conversation grows until I turn my face into the pillow, just wrapping my legs around Eddie instead. "I want to do it." I mumble probably incoherently.

Thankfully though Eddie heard me, I peek at him to see his eyes wider than before, he leans back shifting his weight to his knees, "Are you...are you sure?" He asks, narrowing his eyes as a small smile tilts his lips.

I nod, sitting up so we're chest to chest once again. Eddie's hand reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ears, "You know there's no pressure right? I could honestly kiss you all night and never get tired of it."

I nod, but I know how I feel. It's a growing need and I want to deal with it. "I know, but- I think I'm ready."

Eddie leans forward, pecking my lips as I wrap my arms around him, once again things get passionate and I pull Eddie on top of me, my body instinctively moving how I presume I'd need to. Eddie groans, his hands finally roam up my shirt as I gasp in excitement. Eddie's lips move to my neck as I grab at his Hellfire tee, tugging it over his head exposing his flat stomach and tattoos.

"Hold on sweetheart," Eddie mumbles, his lips move away from mine as he looks at me, "Do you know how this works? I don't mean it like that- I just don't know how much you-"

I stop Eddie with a small laugh, "Eddie, I've read plenty of books and seen a few things, I definitely know how it works, I've just never...done it."

Eddie nods, "And you're absolutely sure?" I nod, grinning as his fingers toy with the button of my jeans.

"Alright, if you want to stop or somethings not right, tell me and we'll stop, promise me you'll let me know, okay?" Eddie asks, holding out his pinky. I roll my eyes but link mine with his, as soon as the deal is done we both slowly begin to undress each other, savoring this special time between us.

Eddie gives me so much reassurance about my body and the way I look, he talks his way through everything before we even do it. As soon as the moment finally arrives, Eddie slips into me slowly, stopping every few seconds as I gasp from pain and pleasure. Eddie asks if I'm alright, stroking my hair and murming praises as he finally begins to move a few moments later.

The whole time is bliss, it's better than I ever could have imagined, with Eddie's groans and constant smiles, his lingering kisses and forehead touches when we finally come together, I couldn't have asked for a better first time.

Afterwards Eddie pulls out and discards of the protection as I lie there to catch my breath. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?" He asks with concern in his eyes.

"Some water would be nice please." I smile, Eddie nods and disappears for a few seconds as I stand and head to the bathroom to clean up and pee, I get half dressed and come back to Eddie's bed to see a fresh glass of water and some chocolate on the side, Eddie opens his arms as he flops onto the bed in his underwear.

I smile and awkwardly walk to the bed, slightly achy from my first time. Eddie kisses the top of my head before I sit up to drink some water. "You did so well, I'm so proud of you, I hope you know that." Eddie murmurs, kissing my shoulder before I lie down again.

Eddie pulls me to his chest as he brings the covers up around us, I snuggle into his warmth. "Thank you for waiting for me, I know a lot of people wouldn't."

Eddie frowns as he begins to play with my hair. "Of course, the right person would wait, no matter what. I'm glad you trusted me enough, I'm so in love with you though I would've waited forever."

I smile and look up, seeing Eddie gazing down at me with pure love in his big brown eyes. "I love you Eddie."

Eddie sighs as he leans back, his arm draped around my body to keep me to him as I let out a small yawn. "Get some sleep, then tomorrow morning let's go out for breakfast."

I nod as I close my eyes, my fingers mindlessly tracing Eddie's tattoo since I know it line by line. "That sounds perfect."

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now