The Money Maker

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Eddie POV:

My knee nervously bounces as I sit at the table of some restaurant along with my band, Corroded Coffin. Last week some band manager from LA liked what they saw at our Tuesday show at The Hideout, and offered to speak with some record label on our behalf to get us going.

"Eddie man, you're making me worse." Gareth mumbles between biting his nails, he nods at my leg so I stop. Right, I guess I'm in charge, that means I've got to at least look like I've got my shit together.

A man approaches us dressed in some fancy suit, he takes off his sunglasses and holds out his hand to me. "Joel Warren, you must be Eddie right?" He asks in a cool voice. I nod as I stand up, taking his hand and clearing my throat nervously.

"Yeah, I mean, yes sir, it's good to see you." I smile, sitting back down and gesturing for Joel to do the same. He does and orders a waiter over, ordering some fancy champagne bossily. I hide my annoyance by toying with the rings on my finger.

"Okay gentleman, let's just get to the point. I've heard great things about Corroded Coffin and I'm willing to put money into you," he smiles but I can tell something else is on the edge of his mind. 

The band all smile and clap each other on the back, but I don't cheer yet, the twinkle in Joel's eyes makes me wonder what his hidden motive is.

"That being said, I want this investment to be worth my time, I'm gonna need you boys to pull away from any commitments you have; school, jobs, girlfriends..."

My eyes narrow as he looks at me, and I can't help but give him an unhappy stare. "Look, I get we're gonna be busy and all, but isn't that a little dramatic?" I say as polite as I can. The band quietens down around me, on the edge of their seats as they watch our interaction.

Joel accepts the champagne from the waiter and waves him off without a "thank you". He downs the drink in one and wipes his lips with the back of his hand, it seems like this LA money maker isn't as in control as he likes to appear. "Look kid,"

"I'm not a kid." I snap, earning a 'what the hell' look from Gareth.

"You're right, I'm sorry. Eddie, I'm going to need Corroded Coffin to be at their best, girlfriends and other distractions can complicate things, besides you won't even have time to see her between shows, recordings and everything else."

I take a deep breath, I look at my band. I don't want to crush their dreams, but I'm not giving up my girl, she's the reason I'm here right now and not at home sulking.

"I'm sorry Mr Warren, but I don't think I can do that." I say calmly, sensing the slumping shoulders of my bandmates.

Joel watches me for a second then straightens his tie even though it's fine. "Suit yourself," he looks to the band, "if any of you want to learn from his lesson please don't hesitate to contact me, I'd be happy to find you a new guitarist."

I clench my fists as he stands and leaves, as soon as he's gone I let out a shaky breath. I finally look into the faces of my friends, I expect disappointment but instead I see understanding and admiration.

"We get it dude, if it was any of us we'd have done the same." Jeff nods along with the others.

I throw a grateful smile at them then excuse myself, going outside to have a smoke and use the payphone. I call up my girl, my heart skips a beat when I hear her voice.

"Eddie? How did it go?" She asks sweetly.

I huff a laugh as I take a deep drag. "The dude was an asshole so I passed, it's alright though, I'll be back in Hawkins in a couple of hours."

"I'm sorry to hear that, come over to my house when you get back because I saved you a dish of my ultimate lasagne."

I smile to myself. Yeah, I made the right choice.

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