One Last Job

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AN: Have you all seen the new official Eddie book that's coming out in October?! It's called The Flight of Icarus and features Eddie's backstory.

TW: Slight physical abuse


Eddie takes a deep breath and runs a hand over his face before looking up and meeting my eyes, already I can tell the news isn't good.

"My dad's back. He wants me to do one more job for him." Eddie mumbles, he looks more sad than annoyed, and I can't contain my words.

"Again?! Eddie, you know what happened last time he came poking around." I say, crossing my arms as I sit on the coffee table. Eddie nods, sitting up straighter as if he can feel the blows coming from his dad.

"Yeah, but don't you remember what he did when I tried to say no?"

"Of course. A visit to the ER and three stitches isn't exactly hard to forget, especially when I was the one who had to drive you." I sigh, feeling guilty for forcing Eddie to remember the terrible memory.

We both sit in silence as a nearby clock ticks, counting down the hours until Eddie has to go.

One last job.

"I'm coming with you." I blurt out, clenching my fists. Eddie's head shoots up, his face hardens as he shakes his head.


"Eddie, I'm not letting you do this on your own. Not again. I'm coming with you and I'm making sure this is your last job for your dad, then your out. For good." I sternly reply, standing up and grabbing my jacket.

Eddie follows me, his hands grab either side of my arms, he stares at me for a second, as if he's trying to steer me away from the idea. I stare back, silently refusing to back down. After a second Eddie curses under his breath and pulls me in for a hug.

"I hate who I am around him, I never wanted you to see this side of me." Eddie softly murmurs above my head. I wrap my arms around Eddie's middle, squeezing him in comfort.

"It's okay, one last job, okay?" I say, it's more of a statement then a question.


A few hours later Eddie and I have the money in hand from some dodgy dealings, not just from drugs but from picking up some owed money from rough looking men. I hated the way they eyed me up like a piece of candy, but Eddie seemed to know them from his past, and they left me alone.

We hop out of the van, already seeing Eddie's dad waiting in the empty campsite with a few of his buddies. Apparently this spot of Hawkins isn't well known, which makes it the perfect setting for criminal activity.

"Took your time." A gruff voice calls out, laughing as Eddie stiffens. I grab his hand as he leads me to the center towards his father.

"Yeah well, I guess I had my work cut out for me." Eddie replies, I sense he's putting on a well constructed front for his father, and I don't like it. There's a tense atmosphere in the air and I feel like this isn't going to end well.

Eddie pulls out the wad of cash from his pocket, holding it out for his father. His dad steps up and snatches it from him, making Eddie flinch. I tense up, hating how Eddie automatically reacts.

His dad stands there counting the cash as I begin to shiver, the darkness for once seems inviting compared to standing here under a dim light, with gnats biting my arms to shreds.

"Come on, we're done here." I mumble to Eddie, pulling at his arm. His dad, as if finally noticing I'm here, looks to me. His eyes slowly scan my body in a way that makes my skin crawl, and I can tell Eddie's having a war with his mind right now.

"She's your girl?" His dad asks.

"Yeah." Eddie responds, shifting slightly to shield my body with his.

"If you wanted money on the side you could always use her." His dad smiles, implying something that sickens me.

Eddie gently pushes me back seconds before he tries to take a swing at his dad, but my fast reaction allows me to grab the back of his jacket and pull him away. His dad stumbles back, looking dumbstruck for once before laughing cruelly.

"He's just tormenting you, leave it. Let's go." I worriedly say to Eddie, his body shakes from anger.

"Son, you're such a disappointment." His dad says before rushing forward and punching Eddie so hard he falls to the floor. His dad looms over him as tears fill my eyes, I kneel next to Eddie as his dad walks away.

"You're free now. You're too weak to be any son of mine." His dad shouts over his shoulder before getting into a car with his buddies and driving away for good.

Eddie sits up, his lip is bleeding but the first thing he does is reach out and cup my cheek. "Are you alright?" Eddie asks, his face full of concern.

"Me? Nevermind about me, are you?" I worry, pushing his hand away and using my thumb to wipe the trickle of blood.

Eddie takes a deep breath, looks up at the night sky, then exhales before nodding. "Yeah. Let's go home."

I help Eddie up, never letting go of him until we make it to the van. Even then, I rest my head on his shoulder as he drives, his hand lies on my leg as if he's seeking the comfort I'm giving him.

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