Comics and Commitments

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Eddie peeks over my shoulder as I sit on his bedroom floor among the random assortment of shit he owns and never puts away, his warm breath tickles my ear as my eyes drift away from my comic to face him.

"Is something wrong?" I ask half-heartedly, my eyes already are back to my page.

Eddie huffs a laugh as he crawls off of the bed to come sit beside me knee to knee. "Yeah, where's the words? All I see are pictures."

I frown and point to the comic page, "There's words there, and here."

Eddie raises an eyebrow at me curiously. "I don't think 'oomf' is really a word, do these things even have a story, I mean where's the awesome quotes?"

It's my turn to huff as I read the last page and close the comic. "Eddie they're supposed to be short and straight to the point. They're fun and don't even get me started on the storylines, honestly just read it and you'll know what I mean."

Eddie glances between me and the comic I'm holding out. With a shrug Eddie takes it from me and begins reading, at first he keeps looking at me as if to show me proof that he's reading it, but then his brows knit together and he begins concentrating, his tongue peeks out as he turns the pages, his ringed hands rapidly flick faster and faster as he gets to the end.

When he's finally done he lets out a breath. I smirk as I give him a 'I told you so' expression. Eddie shrugs it off and passes me the comic back which I stick in my bag. "Have you got the sequel?" He asks meekly, my eyes widen in excitement but he adds something else to play it cool. "You know, I'm still trying to make my mind up about them."

I bite back a laugh as I nod. "Yeah, I've got the whole collection at home luckily for you."

Before I've even finished Eddie's stood up and grabbing his keys, dangling them as he walks to the door. Rapidly I grab my stuff and follow him. We get in the van and drive to my house where I lead Eddie to my room and show him my comic collection, once again he tries to hide his curiosity with a shrug and a "Neat."

I grab the next comic I need to read as Eddie does the same even though he's many volumes behind me, we sit together on my bed reading, every so often one of us will go to the shelf and pull off another comic before rushing back onto the bed, it almost becomes like a little ritual.

Eddie soon catches up to me to the point where I begin passing him the comic I've just finished, when we're on the very last volume we read it together, silently taking it on together as our faces are inches apart.

I close the last page and stretch. "That was amazing, I had no idea it'd end like that!" Eddie exclaims as I nod exaggeratedly, we geek out over the story and talk about it for a while until I finally realise that the whole entire day has elapsed.

My stomach growls as Eddie looks at his watch. "Jesus, I didn't realise it was that late, we missed dinner and it's way past your bedtime." Eddie mumbles teasingly.

I stick my tongue out just as my stomach growls again. "Maybe our next task should be getting some food?"

Eddie nods and stands up, raising his arms above his head in a stretch he grabs his keys and turns to me. "Cheeseburgers at Benny's?"

I smile and nod, "Milkshakes too."

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