Critical Hit

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"Shit!" Eddie mumbles as his eyes fall on me, lightening strikes in the red sky as the screech of bats surround us, we've got no choice but to fight, even if it kills us.

We've gotta buy time. We must.

Before I can even prepare myself demobats are flying towards us, Eddie and I stand back to back holding our spears, we share a look that says it all as Eddie gives me one final nod.

Good luck. Don't die. I love you.

Eddie launches forward first, then I follow, blood sprays in an arc as I swipe at the bats. At first it seems easy, until one bat bites my arm, I drop my spear and more appear until there's too many.

I don't even have time to scream before one rips at my throat.


"You're gonna be fine, just keep that heart of yours beating, alright?"


"Why did you have to come with me you stubborn woman, I told you to go with Henderson."


"I'd do anything to take your place, you should be causing chaos with that brilliant mind of yours, not lying in some hospital bed!"


"...I'm sorry."


"Doctors say you might not wake up,I'm so sorry I didn't have your back. Dustin regrets not pulling your ass up that rope. If you're in too much pain or have found a better place I-" a sob, "I guess you should go. I can't be selfish anymore. I want to keep you, but it's up to you now."


All of a sudden I can feel everything, the pain, the memories, Eddie's hand gripping mine as his thumb brushes mine. My eyes flutter open and I hear Eddie gasp, the flourscent lights burn my eyes and I blink against them, I turn my head to see Eddie staring at me as if I'm some deer he doesn't want to scare.

"Critical hit, huh?" I croak, Eddie's lips tilt into a small smile before he grins, his usually warm brown eyes fill with tears, they roll down his cheeks as he chuckles and leans over me, his arm drapes over my middle as he hugs me.

I reach out an arm and pat his head as best I can, I'm weak and there's wires attached to my arms, but I'm alive and beside the one person I need in this world.

"I thought- I came every day, even after visiting hours." Eddie mumbles after a few minutes, I nod and try to sit up, Eddie helps me and I finally see the room filled with flowers and cards, my favourite plushie sits beside me which I presume Eddie put there.

"I know, I heard everything you said. I love you so much Eddie, I'm sorry I put you through this." I say, my eyes filling with unshed tears.

Eddie frowns as he shakes his head, "It's not your fault, don't apologise, I'd have given anything to trade places with you. We killed Vecna, Nancy shot the shit out of him."

I smile, wiping my eyes as best I can. Eddie reaches out and helps me with it, dabbing his sleeve at the corners of my eyes as I stifle a laugh.

"Good," I say relieved, "its all over now."

A doctor comes in seconds later, looking  shocked but happy. "You're awake? It's good to see you Miss Y/L/N, we weren't sure of you'd pull through."

I glance at Eddie, Eleven must've had a hand in this, right?

The doctors do all kinds of checks on me, all surprised when they see I'm already on the way to healing perfectly without any serious injuries, which despite my initial wounds, is magnificent.

There's definitely some supernatural involved with this, there's gotta be.

Eddie stays with me for the rest of my hospital stay which is only a few more days, he sleeps beside me and only goes home to have a shower. On my last day the rest of the gang come to visit, all okay and bonded more over our final battle together.

Eddie sits on the bed with me, his arm around my shoulders the whole time until they leave, after he helps me pack my things and carries me out of the hospital despite my protests, when he finally sets me down in the car park he stops and kisses me.

"Marry me."

I stare at him, unblinking.

"Don't look at me like that. After what we've been through, you've made me realise that it's impossible for me to live a life without you, so marry me and let me annoy you for the rest of our lives."

I laugh, then nod, I jump up and wrap my arms around Eddie's neck, clinging to him as he kisses me deeply, then pulls away, pulling a ring from his pocket.

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