Wedding Worries

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"So you'll be bringing your boyfriend you've been telling me about, right?" My older sister asks me through the phone. I pause and turn so I'm laying on my front, the phone wire tangled between my fingers.

"Of course, he's so excited to meet you. I'll see you Saturday. Love you." I quickly lie, blowing a kiss before hanging up.

Shit, I need to find a fake boyfriend, and fast.

I think of all the boys I know, which is hardly any. Then one pops into my mind, it's a terrible idea but it might work, depending on his answer. I call one of my friends from Hellfire, Eddie.

"Would you be my boyfriend?" I ask when he eventually picks up the phone. He's silent for a while and I actually have to check he's still there.

"Uhhh, this isn't how I pictured it going." Eddie nervously laughs. I realise my terrible wording and explain the situation. Surprisingly Eddie agrees on the condition that I'll take Dustin's place next week as a sub since he has a doctors appointment.

When Saturday finally rolls around I'm nervous and excited. I smooth out my dress as the doorbell rings, Eddie stands there dressed in his usual jeans but instead of a band tee he's wearing a shirt and tie, his leather jacket over the top.

"You look...different." Eddie murmurs as his eyes look me up and down. I smile and nod, I'm not usually one for dresses and prefer jeans or skirts.

Eddie, as planned, drives us to the venue since it's not too far away. We chat on the way, listening to music and discussing Corroded Coffin and books.

When we get there, there isn't much time to dally about before we take our seats outside and wait for my sister to walk the aisle. As soon as she does I'm struck by the reality of all this, my big sister is getting married.

Tears fill my eyes as I look at her proudly, feeling so much love I can't keep it in. I sniffle as Eddie sits beside me, probably regretting coming with me. "Here," Eddie whispers in my ear as he passes me his black and white bandanna from his pocket, "dry those pretty eyes of yours."

I smile and hesitantly take it from him, dabbing my eyes as others around me give us odd looks. My sister looks at and Eddie from her place at the front, winking at me. My shoulders slump as I finally feel like my mission is accomplished, she's seen my 'boyfriend'.

Afterwards there's a big meal, Eddie and I find our seats opposite the main table. We both stare at the variation of food brought to us, it's all posh and I don't have a clue what half of it is.

"Is this supposed to look like this?" Eddie worriedly asks holding up an odd looking vegetable. I snort a laugh and grab a bread roll, taking a bite.

My sister knowingly smiles at me from her table, as if seeing our relationship.

Finally after Eddie and I fill ourselves up on the most normal looking food we can find, dessert finally comes. Luckily it's chocolate brownies and ice cream, and I don't hesitate to swallow it all up, moaning as the chocolate oozes.

Eddie gives me a look I can't decipher as I eat the last mouthful. "Here, have the rest of mine, I'm full anyway." He softly says passing me his bowl.

"Are you sure?" I ask with wide eyes, I won't mention to him that this act is essentially a proposal in my eyes. Eddie chuckles as he nods.

I eat the rest of dessert, accidentally burping loudly after. I blush and look to Eddie, who grins at me and reaches out a hand.

"You've got something here," he whispers, his thumb brushes my lip and wipes some chocolate away.

Music begins to play and the guests and my sister rush to the dance floor, eager to now let loose. I watch everyone with a smile, sipping on my drink. "We can dance if you want?" Eddie mumbles.

I hesitate. "I couldn't, you've already been the best boyf- fake boyfriend." I catch myself, biting my lip as I curse inwardly.

Eddie shrugs and stands up, taking off his jacket and loosening his tie. "Come on Footloose." He grins as he holds out a hand. I take it as Eddie drags me to the dance floor.

Eddie wraps my hands around the back of his neck before settling his hands on my waist, asking if it's okay. I nod, a little breathless with the way he's looking at me.

We slow dance with the other couples around us, somehow lost in each other. "I've had a great time," I begin, feeling the need to fill the silence between us.

Eddie nods in agreement, "I've gotta say, it's not been terrible, my favourite part was you."

I open my mouth to speak but Eddie catches me with a kiss, it's fast but passionate, and I'm so shocked I don't kiss him back.

Immediately after Eddie pulls away, stunned by what he's done. His face falls and he rushes outside.

"I know he's not really your boyfriend," my sister suddenly says from behind me, I turn to argue, but she holds up a hand and continues, "but you both like each other, and I think you should go tell him, or show him how you feel."

I nod, giving her a quick hug before making my way outside. I see Eddie smoking under a tree, when he sees me he stomps it out and runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm so sorry, I messed up and-" He begins, but I grab his tie and pull him down to me, kissing him deeply.

Within seconds his arm wraps around my back, pressing me to his chest. "So, not a fake boyfriend anymore huh?" He smirks between the kiss.

I roll my eyes and kiss him again, hoping it makes up for my lack of words.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now