Except Each Other

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AN: This imagine features smoking and drug use♡

"Sorry I can't, maybe next weekend." My supposedly best friend says down the phone, I purse my lips as I hear the laughing and mumbling of my other friends in the background. I knew they'd all be together, and once again I wasn't invited, but a slither of hope still clung to me, maybe if I called them they'd all change their minds or remember me.

"See ya." She giggles before hanging up.

I slam the phone down as tears form in my eyes, my legs crumple and I end up on the floor, my knees tucked to my chest as I cry and cry, my body shudders from the sobs, they sound inhumane. Desperate.

I would go downstairs and hang out with my family, but as usual they're not here, and have decided to take yet another weekend away to destress, leaving me at home alone.

When the tears stop falling it's dark outside, the last rays of daylight long gone. I wipe my sore eyes, and sniffle before standing up, my eyes drift to the phone, and wonder if I should call the one person I said I'd never call again.

My ex-best friend, Eddie Munson.

Since we both started high school we both began to drift apart, especially when Eddie found friends way before I did, I felt like he was abandoning me, even though he often offered for me to hang out with them. I felt embarrassed, I didn't want to rely on Eddie's friends to be mine too, so I changed my personality, I started to dress differently and forgo my usual hobbies for things more popular, I lost myself and Eddie in the process.

Eddie and I still talk from time to time, mostly just in the corridors or when we're both skipping gym, but it isn't like it used to be.

Tonight though, I'm barely hanging on, and I need someone. Without further thought I dial his number, anxiously my knee bounces as I sit on the edge of the bed, the telephone wire wraps around my finger as I toy with it, waiting and waiting.

"Hello?" Eddie asks unsure.

"Hey, it's me," I say softly, "I'm just wondering if you wanted to..." I stop, suddenly feeling stupid, I mean I haven't made an effort in years, and now I suddenly have nobody I'm just turning to him, "nevermind, sorry I called."

I go to put the phone down but Eddie suddenly cuts in, "Wait! Are you alright?"

The question makes me laugh, "No, I'm not, I'm far from it. I'm pretty fucking lonely actually." I mumble, my voice cracking as Eddie sucks in a sharp breath.

"Can I come over?" Eddie asks hesitantly, I hear him shuffle around in the background. I nod then remember he can't see me, "Yeah."

The line goes dead and I let out a long sigh, I sit on my bed, twiddling my fingers until the doorbell rings. Straightening out my clothes I answer it to see a concerned Eddie staring at me.

"Thank God," Eddie rushes out, giving me a small smile, "I was worried."

I frown as I let him in, my house hadn't changed much since Eddie used to come over, and his eyes scan the room as he smiles. "It's like nothings changed."

I scoff as I lead him up to my room, "Everythings changed, even me."

Eddie shakes his head as he comes into my room and sits at my desk, I sit opposite him on the end of my bed, feeling a mix of awkward yet relieved. "You haven't changed, not really, most of the time I can see you through the cracks of your little mask you've created."

I stare at Eddie, "I shouldn't have ever tried to be someone I'm not, it hasn't done me any good."

Eddie nods in understanding, initially he did warn me my 'friends' would leave me, that I was too honest and good for them, but I didn't listen.

"You've still got me, that's why you called right? Because deep down you know I'd never leave you, no matter what." Eddie murmurs, his gaze focuses on his rings as he nervously toys with them.

"Do you still smoke?" I ask, getting up to open my balcony window. Eddie smirks as he reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a joint and a lighter. I pluck it from his hands, a surprised look crosses his face, then I put it into my mouth as I sit outside, the moon shining down on us as Eddie sits beside me.

He flicks his lighter and leans closer, lighting up the end as I inhale. Coughing slightly as Eddie's lips tilt up. "You're too good for anyone." He whispers, reaching out and tucking my hair behind my ears as I pass the joint to him.

Eddie takes it, his fingers linger on mine longer than needed before he takes a drag, letting out the smoke slowly. "Even for you?" I ask, feeling more relaxed than before.

Eddie inhales again, then nods once. "Yeah. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm selfish and want you around."

I huff a laugh as I lean my head against his shoulder, a chilly breeze blows my hair back and Eddie wraps an arm around me as I grab the joint and take another drag.

"I can't wait to leave this town." I whisper.

Eddie's lips tilt up as his eyes meet mine, "Me too, we can leave together like we always planned, and we'll leave everything behind except each other."

My mouth parts and I begin to say something, but my heads fuzzy and I can't think of the right thing to say, so instead I tilt my head up and press my lips to Eddie's. He kisses me back, gently as we navigate this new territory, but I think the feeling has always been mutual.

The joint burns between us, but not as much as the love we have for each other, now recognisable thanks to my fortress tearing down.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now