Dungeon Delays

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"I've gotta say, tonight's campaign is gonna be wild, I hope you're all ready for the most sweat inducing, heart pounding-" Eddie exaggeratedly begins, but the guys all look at each other then glance at me as I peek over my book, then they look at Eddie.

Eddie frowns, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat, only the buzz of the cafeteria fills the silence between us all. "Well someone say something!" Eddie playfully snaps, feigning anger but he's never really mad at us.

Once again the guys look to me, but I shake my head subtly, however Gareth is the one to break the news. "Y/N isn't coming." He quickly rushes out, gritting his teeth as he closes his eyes, getting ready for the overdramatics in three..



"What the hell do you mean she isn't coming? Y/N, care to explain why you're bailing out on us and abandoning your life's meaning?" Yup, like I predicted, overdramatic.

I sigh and close my book, "I've got a date."

Eddie's brown eyes widen monetarily in shock, but then his brows knit together and he leans forward, resting his arms on the table. "Then cancel it." He simply says.

I scoff and shake my head, "No way, I'm not cancelling just because you'll miss me too much." I tease, the guys laugh which earns them a scowl from Eddie. "Don't worry, I'll find a sub."

Eddie fake laughs as he raises his brows sarcastically. "I can't replace one of my best players." The others begin mumbling to each other, sensing the building tension between Eddie and I.

"So," Eddie sighs, leaning back and taking a swig of his Dr Pepper, "Who's the guy?"

I smile at him, "Just some dude who's on the basketball team, his name is Ethan." Eddie chokes and shakes his head exaggeratedly, waving his hands up in disapproval.

"Nope. No way. Not happening." He scolds, his lips thin as I frown and stare him down.

"Uh, yes it is. Why are you so bothered anyway?" I ask, my voice sharp.

Eddie practically leans over the table as he stands, his palms flat inches away from mine. "Because he's an A grade asshole, didn't you hear what happened to the last girl who went out with him?"

A spark of worry flickers inside of me, but then again Eddie could be lying, I mean he's probably just angry I'm not playing DnD or that I've got a date and he hasn't. Childishly I shrug and turn my face away from him, mumbling "I don't care."

Eddie lets out a frustrated sigh as the others continue to pretend to ignore us. My anger bubbles as I think about how petty Eddie's being, and in a moment of madness I stand up and grab my book, "I'm going to kiss him later." I proudly say.

Eddie glares at me, somehow looking down at me even though I'm currently standing up. "If you do," Eddie begins deeply, "I'll kick you out of Hellfire."

The others gasp, no longer hiding their obvious entertainment as I open my mouth wide. I never thought a simple date would affect Eddie so much. "Fine." I spit out, turning on my heel and storming away, refusing to let the tears fall until I'm outside.

Later on that night I find myself at the cinema, standing in line beside Ethan, my jock date. We chat about random things, but honestly he's as fun as a trash can. The line moves forward until it's our turn to order some snacks and tickets, Ethan already decided what we're watching, but I'm not overly bothered anyway. As I begin to order Ethan beside me playfully nudges me and says "Don't get too much food."

My jaw drops but I pick it up and order a small coke and just a pack of candy instead of my usual large popcorn. I'm slightly offended but refuse to show it, I want this date to go well, even if it is mostly to spite Eddie at this point.

We head in and take our seats, thankfully the cinema isn't busy and we almost have the place to ourselves. The movie adverts as some cheesy music plays, I sip on my drink and try to sneak in handfuls of my snacks, hoping Ethan doesn't notice me scoffing them down. What can I say, I'm a snacker.

Just as the title sequence plays, someone comes and sits next to me, sandwiching me between them and Ethan. My eyes widen, I mean really, out of the whole place? I turn to see who it is, only to find Eddie sitting there with a large popcorn, eating it by the handfuls as he smiles at me.

"Really man?" Ethan mumbles, leaning over me as he frowns at Eddie.

"Yeah, really," I repeat after Ethan, "what happened to DnD?" I whisper as Ethan turns back to the movie, clearly not as phased.

"I told you, the dude is sketchy," Eddie whispers back, "I didn't want to leave you alone with him in the dark."

I sigh and roll my eyes, though deep down I'm slightly relieved and touched by the sentiment.

Some time goes by as we all watch the movie, it's terrible but I pretend to laugh anyway. I notice Ethan's hand resting on my thigh, slowly it moves higher until it reaches too high and I swat him away, he's being a little too forward.

I glance at Eddie, who's watching us with murder in his eyes. I force a smile as he offers me a handful of popcorn, but I shake my head.

"But you love it." Eddie murmurs, leaning closer to me. Ethan's clueless, his focus on the movie and not on us.

I purse my lips and lean away from Eddie, this is supposed to be a date and it doesn't feel like it. I snuggle into Ethan who grins and turns his head, leaning in to kiss me. Nope, wrong signal.

I turn my head so his lips meet my cheek, and he pulls back looking unimpressed.

"She doesn't want your slobber dude, and stop grabbing her like some basketball!" Eddie snaps loudly over the movie. Ethan double takes at Eddie, chucking as he raises his eyebrows.

"Freak? It's been you this whole time, why aren't you hanging with the kids like some weirdo." Ethan jokes.

I frown, not liking his tone. "Hey, there's no need to be mean."

Ethan's mouth opens in shock, he's obviously not used to people talking back. "You know what, this is a shitty date, you're just a tease anyway."

Eddie stands at the same time Ethan does, both of them ready to face off. Voices come from behind us, and I remember we're at a cinema. I grab both of them and lead them outside into the alleyway, where it's dark and there's a slight drizzle.

"Tell you what, why don't you abandon your freak and come to my place, we can start things over." Ethan says, his eyes look me up and down slyly. It makes me uncomfortable and I take a step back towards Eddie.

Eddie takes no time darting forward and shoving him, and Ethan reciprocates by punching Eddie across the jaw then storms off, shouting numerous curse words.

With wide eyes I grab Eddie's face gently, reaching up to see the damage. Already a bruise is forming, so I lead Eddie back inside and order a slush puppy for him to hold against his jaw. Eddie smiles regardless as we sit at the tables, the room silent. "Why were you acting so stupid?" I finally snap after a couple of moments.

"I don't know, I guess I was worried about you, it doesn't matter, you're safe now and that's all I care about." Eddie snaps back, panting as his eyes stare at me.

I see the care and concern there, along with something else. My eyes soften as I relax my shoulders, slumping in my seat. I hesitantly reach out and cup Eddie's chin, my thumb brushing over the bruise.

Eddie gasps and grabs my wrist, I begin to apologise but he gives me a soft smile as his other hand tucks my hair behind my ear. "What are you doing?" I mumble breathlessly.

"Isn't it obvious, I like you." Eddie shrugs. I think back on all our interactions, the truth now hitting me in the face.

My brows raise as my lips tilt, carefully I lean forward and press my lips to Eddie's, it's only for a second but I can feel the spark of something lovely. "We should watch a movie, you know one you'll actually like." Eddie chuckles.

I nod, "Just don't judge me for my popcorn"

Eddie looks at me as if I'm crazy. "Why would I do that?" He asks, "Just make sure you remember to put M&Ms in it."

I grin as we stand up, Eddie's hand links with mine as we go to order, and this time around I'm completely comfortable and happy.

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