I'm A Stray

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I wave to my friend as she drives away in the darkness, leaving me alone in the pitch black void what is the trailer park.

My breath mists up as I walk to my home, I wrap my arms around myself to try and keep an ounce of warmth inside my body, but it's so cold I begin to shiver anyway.

As soon as I pull on the front door I notice it doesn't budge. At first I think it's stuck, but then I remember my parents telling me their going away for the weekend, leaving me and the trailer alone, the door must be locked. I reach into my pocket for my keys, freezing when my hand comes into contact with nothing.

Shit, I must've left my keys in my friends car. I begin to panic, trying the door again and again until I give up. "Shit!" I curse, letting out a ragged sigh. I slump down by the door, my back to the wall as I bring my knees to my chest, my shivering gets worse to the point where my teeth chatter.

"Locked out?" Eddie calls from across the park, he throws his cigarette onto the grass as he approaches with a concerned look on his face.

I nod with a sarcastic smile. "Looks like I'm a stray for tonight." I say, leaning my head back and staring up at the mosquito lamp. For a second the only sound is from the buzzing of the lamp until Eddie clears his throat and walks up the steps. He tries the door so I give him a pointed look.

"Just checking," he mutters, then he cups his hands around his face and leans into the window, "Aren't your parents home?"

I shake my head and stand up, "They've abandoned me, like I said, stray."

Eddie looks at me quizzically then shakes his head before heading around the back to where my bedroom is. I follow him, trying to be as quiet as possible since it must be nearly midnight.

"I can get your window open, but you owe me for this." Eddie mumbles before grabbing something from his jeans pocket. I watch curiously as he lodges the thing under the window, then he cracks it open and then slips his fingers into the gap. With a grunt he pulls the window open, and like magic I now have a way in.

"Want me to check if there's a serial killer inside?" Eddie teases, but suddenly I feel anxious, I find myself nodding.

Eddie nods and jumps, grabbing onto the window and pulling himself up with ease. I admire the way his body moves, plus how good his ass looks from this angle. Seconds later Eddie hands appear from the window.

"Jump and I'll pull you up." He says, I nervously look around for something to stand on, but there isn't anything. "Okay" I reply, inhaling as I jump. Eddie's hands catch mine and he pulls me up without struggle, actually he over does it and falls backwards, his arms wrap around me as we fall to the floor.

"Hey there," he smirks as my nose brushes his, my breath hitches as I look into his playful eyes, and I have the sudden urge to kiss him, instead I roll off and sit up, looking around my room.

"How'd you know how to do that?" I ask,  as I turn on the lamp.

Eddie stands, his eyes scan my now lit up room for the first time. "You know, criminal father and all." He mumbles, his fingers flick through my records as I peek down the dark hallway leading to the rest of the trailer.

"Nobody's here, it's okay." Eddie murmurs, snapping me out of my thoughts. I open my mouth to say something, but Eddie interrupts me, "You've never been home alone before?"

I bite my lip, "Yeah...once. I'm- don't laugh- I'm scared of the dark."

Eddie doesn't laugh like others would, he just looks at me in understanding before sitting on my bed. "I can stay, if you want, until you fall asleep or whatever."

My eyes widen, I've never had a boy in my room let alone a sleepover, however my nerves are on edge and it's not like anyone will know. "Are you sure, won't your uncle be weird about it?"

Eddie waves it off, "Nah, he's at work so he'll never know."

I nod, slipping off my shoes and climbing into bed. Eddie awkwardly sits at the bottom of my bed, so I pat the empty space beside me. "You can sit here, if you want, you don't have to, sorry that's weird-" I ramble, pulling the duvet up to my chin.

Eddie smiles at me fondly then takes the space next to me, sitting up and leaning his back against the headboard. I stare up at the ceiling, until Eddie breaks the silence. "I'm scared of snakes. Slugs are pretty creepy too." He quietly mumbles.

I huff a laugh and look up at him, Eddie shrugs and adds "I thought it'd be fair if I told you one of my fears."

"Well thanks...what about snails though?" I lightly ask with a smile.

Eddie ponders the thought for a moment, "They're okay, I always feel bad if I almost crush one."

"I know right, but they're insistent on putting themselves right where I need to step." I excitedly say.

Eddie and I talk for a while about random things until my eyes grow heavy. I fall asleep for however long until the bed moves, instinctively I wrap my arm around the warmth, in my sleep I notice the warmth cuddles me back too.

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