Another One On The Way

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I watch with a smile as Eddie playfully chases our little girl across the field that leads to the park, he's crouched over and making a silly face as she squeals and giggles, her little legs toddle as fast as she can go.

I catch up to them when she sits on the swings, Eddie already pushes her gently. "Faster! Faster!" She demands, Eddie looks at me for help, he's always so careful with her which is good but our girl is a small daredevil.

"Want mommy to do it?" He asks, stepping away so I can push her. Our daughter cheers, fist bumping the air with one hand.

"Ah, both hands on the swing!" Eddie nervously calls out as she swings higher and higher, her laugh echoes across the park as Eddie wraps an arm around my middle and he leans his head against my shoulder.

"She takes after you, being so brave." I whisper, quickly kissing his cheek.

"Nah, she definitely got that from you." Eddie happily mumbles, slipping away from me to scoop up our daughter as she tries to get off of the swing.

After some fun yet exhausting time at the park Eddie gives our daughter a piggyback as we walk to a nice spot in the sunny field, I carry the bag full of picnic supplies and set them down under a tree where some wildflowers grow. There's a small ounce of shade and birds gently chirp to each other as the leaves carefully rustle with the light breeze.

"Here good princess?" Eddie asks our daughter, plucking her off of his back and setting her on the ground. She looks around and nods before trotting off to pick some daisies. I huff a laugh at Eddie who ducks his head at a bumblebee buzzing past.

Eddie chooses to lay half on me, resting his head on my lap with his legs stretched out on the blanket as I set everything up. He closes his eyes, a smile plays on his contented face.

"I love our family" He murmurs as our daughter comes back with a handful of flowers, she plops down and begins to childishly hum a Metallica song. My heart fills with love as I brush Eddie's hair away from his eyes, tracing his cheekbones.

"I got these for you mommy." Our girl says, holding out the flowers to me.

"Thank you sweetie, I love them." I smile, cupping her cheek and leaning in to kiss the top of her head.

We all dig into the food I packed, eating sandwiches and chips, fruits and cakes. Eddie and I chat about random things as our little one grabs her teddy bear, talking to it in a world of her own.

"She's growing up too fast." Eddie mumbles, his fingers link with mine as he brings my hand to his lips, gently pressing a kiss to the back of my hand.

"Luckily there's another one on the way," I shrug, a knowing grin spreads across my face as he stiffens, his head swivels to me and for a second I panic.

Until his eyes fill with tears and his eyebrows knit together, straight away he leaps onto me, his arms wrap around me as he buries his face into my neck, "I love you so much," he repeats in a whisper, his voice thick.

I laugh and wrap one arm around his shoulders as our daughter looks at us quizzically. "I love you too," I reply.

Our daughter crawls towards us, nudging her way in between Eddie and I  and closing her eyes. I lean my head on Eddie's shoulder when he sits up, feeling the happiest I've ever been.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now