Perfect Match

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Eddie slips on a pair of sunglasses opposite me and pulls a face, holding his fingers up in a peace sign. I snort a laugh before going back to scanning the rack, the thrift store is more full than usual today and I've never been so pleased. Eddie and I often come here on small dates to find the oddest clothes or discover new outfits we can wear at The Hideout.

Something white catches my eye as I move down the rack, the sleeve is a puffy lace and I quickly pull it out just a little. I gasp when I see the most beautiful dress I've ever seen, it's my size and looks like the wedding dress I'm dreamed of since I was little. I glance up at Eddie who is distracted by something, feeling a little embarrassed I try to hide my find, pulling it off of the rack and hide it under the pile of clothes I've gathered since we arrived here.

"I'm gonna go try these on." I say over my shoulder to a Eddie, now wearing some weird bucket hat and Garfield glasses. He throws me a thumbs up, so I sigh and head to the changing room, a small smile playing on my lips as I think about how peculiar and open Eddie is, it makes me love him even more.

I try on numerous tops and dresses until I finally get to the wedding dress. I carefully slip into it, then look at myself in the mirror, I'm not usually so confident but this dress makes me look good, it's the perfect dress and I'm convinced I'll never find another one like it. I pull my scrunchie off of my wrist and tie my hair up in a nice way, with two strands hanging down my face. There much better, now I look like I'm almost ready to get married. The thought makes me pause, I've never really thought about getting married to Eddie, though I'd never say "No" if he asked me. I wonder if Eddie's ever thought about it?

"Are you stuck? I'm not gonna lie I'm probably gonna laugh if you're trapped in some dress or-" Eddie says cheerily as I open the door to meet him, his mouth closes the second he sees me, I can't help but to blush as his eyes scan me from head to toe, his face is full of admiration, it's the same look he gives his guitar; love.

Okay so maybe the shoes don't go with the dress but..Eddie steps back to admire me from afar, he slips off the Garfield glasses and hat.  He mumbles something to himself, and I only catch the words "the one" and "forever." He clears his throat and I begin to feel awkward, as if I've been caught doing something I shouldn't, maybe I've panicked him, or maybe he thinks I'm weird...

"I know, it's so silly, but you've got to admit, it's nice..." I ramble quickly, Eddie steps forward and places a finger on my lips to quieten me. I look up at him in shock, my lips parting.

"We're getting it." He says seriously, looking into my eyes as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I roll my eyes as I let out a small laugh. "Eddie, I can't, where the hell would I even wear it?" I ask incredulously, I straighten out the dress nervously, looking back up at Eddie who is still watching me with fascination.

"Our wedding." Eddie blankly states, usually I'd think he's joking but he's looking at me in a way that I just know he's dead serious. Oh. My. God.

I raise my eyebrows as he cups my cheek with one ringed hand. "Are you asking what I think you're asking?" I whisper leaning into his touch as my heart kicks up a notch.

"Your ring finger has been empty for too long." Eddie shrugs with a half smile. I break out into a grin, pulling Eddie towards me as I kiss him.

When I back away, Eddie reaches up and carefully puts the Garfield sun glasses on me. "Stylish." He grins laughing as I strike a pose, sticking my tongue out at him.

We're the perfect match.

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