
594 19 3

I've literally been out of the room for three minutes. My hand turns the door know seconds before I hear a massive crash, then suddenly the room erupts into chaos, with the Hellfire members shouting and panicking.

I rush into the room, my eyes quickly scanning the scene to determine why everyone is freaking out. Papers are scattered everywhere along with dice and figures. I sigh, running a hand across my face as I slowly walk to Eddie, seeing him sprawled on the floor near his 'throne' looking up at me with a sheepish grin.

Gareth and Dustin stand behind him, both with terrified expressions on their faces as the rest of the club stays behind me. "What happened this time?" I ask without hesitation, guaranteeing that Eddie clumsily fell over again.

I crouch down as Eddie sits up, rubbing his head, his fingers come away with blood. My pulse quickens, okay maybe this isn't the regular elbow scrape. I reach out and move his hair out of the way, curising when I notice the cut across his forehead. Everyone gasps and begins talking at once.

"We should call an ambulance!"
"Is he gonna die?"
"What about our game?"

I turn around and give them all a look, soon enough they quieten down. I stand up, holding out a hand for Eddie which he takes as I pull him up.

"He will be okay, head wounds tend to bleeding more than paper cuts gentlemen." I say to reassure the group, I look to Dustin and ask him what happened.

"Eddie got on the table as usual, not looking where he was stomping and slipped on a few D20s."

I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing, instead I grab Eddie's hand and lead him out of the room and into a nearby empty classroom. Eddie hops onto the desk, sitting patiently as I grab a first aid kit from the wall.

I grab what I need and stand between Eddie's legs, gently wiping the cut with a wipe as he hisses. I give him a sympathetic smile as I continue. His eyes seem to follow my movements in silence, I put a plaster on his head and carefully rub it with my thumb to make sure it's on. Before I can move my hand away Eddie gently grabs my wrist and mumbles "How come you're really good at this?"

I shrug a single shoulder. "I was a clumsy kid who had to carry around a first aid kit everywhere I went."

Eddie smiles at me, holding my gaze. My heart picks up speed as I lick my lips, my eyes dart to his mouth as we both lean towards each other-

"Is he dead yet?" Dustin calls from the doorway. We both jump apart, coughing anxiously. Dustin's eyes travel from me to Eddie as he "Ooohs" and slowly backs out of the room with his hands up.

I chuckle as I step back, putting the kit away and heading out of the room. All of a sudden Eddie's hands grab my waist as he spins me around, his lips quickly find mine in a speedy yet passionate kiss. Just as quick as he started, he pulls away with a grin.

"I'm feeling much better now doctor."

I open and close my mouth in shock, then roll my eyes. "I'm driving you home, you're delusional."

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now