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I laugh with Eddie, pausing when his uncle Wayne knocks on the door, letting himself in a few seconds later.

"I'm about to head to work, I won't be back until tomorrow morning so...stay out of trouble and keep outta that storm." Wayne says to Eddie with a pointed look, Eddie nods "Be careful," and closes the door after Wayne, turning back to me to pull a face.

"As if I'd get in trouble." He teases, knowing full well that he's often in some sort of situation. I still can't believe how good Eddie and I are getting along, even after our recent breakup. It was mutual, and we agreed to stay friends.

Eddie comes and sits beside me on the bed, the wind blows heavily and we both look to the window, silence fills the room. "Uh, I don't suppose you wanna stay over tonight, it's dangerous to drive all the way back to your house in this." Eddie mumbles, nervously scratching his chin. I'm about to object but a blast of wind rattles the trailer, so I nod and stand up.

"Do you have something I can sleep in?" I ask, feeling awkward as Eddie grabs a tee from his drawers and passes it to me. It feels just like old times, and I hate to admit that I've missed this. I go get ready for bed, brushing my teeth and putting on the tee which is a little bit too big for me.

As soon as I walk back into the bedroom, I find Eddie on his back, the duvet already pulled up around him, his eyes widen momentarily as his gaze slowly travels from my face to my bare feet, but then he clears his throat and turns onto his side.

I exhale a shaky breath, then quickly climb under the covers, facing Eddie. We both lie in silence, eyes avoiding each other as our breaths mingle, the tension is so thick I can hardly breathe. As soon as our eyes finally meet, the game's over. Eddie's hand grabs the back of my neck as I reach for him at the same time, our lips connect messily as we try to consume each other.

Eddie's other hand grabs my thigh, lifting a leg over him as he runs his fingers higher and higher, reaching my bare breasts. His fingers graze my nipple and I gasp into the kiss, my hips move to create friction between us, and Eddie groans.

Wasting no time, Eddie one handedly pulls down my underwear as I roll on top of him, sitting up and taking off the tee. Eddie's nostrils flare as he gazes at my naked body, his hands grab my waist as I rock, feeling him harden from underneath me.

"I need you." I whisper. Eddie nods and lifts his hips up with me still on top of him, I let out a small laugh as I catch my balance, lifting up a bit so he can pull down his pyjama bottoms. Eddie chuckles as he frees himself, his hand pumps himself a few times and I see his tip glisten with pre-cum.

All it takes is for Eddie to beckon a finger, and I raise my hips up before pressing his tip to my entrance, my plan is to go slow, but Eddie thinks otherwise. All of a sudden he thrusts upwards, sheathing himself inside of me with a groan. I cry out, forgetting how full I feel when Eddie's inside of me.

"Ride me like you used to." Eddie murmurs, his hands gripping my waist and guiding me as I begin to rock my hips, using the technique he taught me of spelling my name.

"Fuck, I forgot how good this feels." Eddie says through gritted teeth, his hands squeeze my waist, surely leading handprints. I plant my feet on the bed, my hands lean on Eddie's chest as I begin to move up and down, my breasts bounce with the movement.

"Just like that sweetheart, you're doing such a good job." Eddie groans as he pants heavily, his hand comes up and grabs my neck with just enough pressure to make me tighten around him. I feel my breath quicken, it's been so long since I last had sex that I'm already ready to come.

"Eddie, I'm close-" I moan, my movements getting sloppier by the second, Eddie frowns and shakes his head. "Not yet, I'm not ready for this to be over. Get on your knees for me."

I obey, slipping off of Eddie and getting on my hands and knees. Eddie's hand slaps my ass, coaxing a yelp from me. I can hear the smirk in his chuckle moments before he slams into me. I almost collapse from the feeling of him so deep inside of me, hitting just the right spot. His hand grabs my hair and tugs my head back, forcing me to look at him as he fucks into me relentlessly.

Minutes later, our moans synchronise and I begin to shake, Eddie whimpers from behind me as he comes with me in perfect harmony. Afterwards he frees my hair from his hands, trailing a line of kisses from the back of my neck and down my spine, before finally pulling out of me.

I collapse onto the pillows, breathing heavy as Eddie plants himself next to me, his arm draped around my waist. "You filled that empty void you left me with for a minute there." Eddie softly murmurs, his fingers dance along my skin.

I turn around to look at him, pulling the duvet up around my still naked body. "I never stopped loving you Eddie, we never should have broken up."

I lean forward, pressing a light kiss to Eddie's lips. "Then let's pretend we didn't," Eddie replies, rolling on top of me for round two.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now