Curse Control

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Everyone bounces ideas off of each other as I stand back, watching their interactions as my anxiety grows. The boathouse begins to feel way to hot and I try to tame my breathing, but it's of no use, Dustin glances at me before doing a double take and rushing to my side.

"Is it Vecna? Are you okay?" He worries, his hands grab my shoulders as I shake my head, then without another word I run to the door and swing it open, running outside into the open air breathing deeply.

I lean against the wall of the boathouse, closing my eyes as I try to ground myself. The bird sing cheerfully like something from a Disney movie which is pretty ironic since it feels like we're living through a horror, but I listen anyway since it calms me.

"I'm not gonna ask if you're okay," Max begins making me jump, I press a hand to my chest as I stare down at her slowly approaching me, "Vecna has a way of getting to you even when he's not there."

I nod, still hating to admit even to myself that I'm cursed by Vecna, it feels like a weakness and I hate that. "You haven't told Eddie, right?" I nervously ask.

She shales her head, her braids swing as she steps forward, but Eddie suddenly pops his head out of the doorway, his eyes immediately find mine. "Tell me what?"

Max avoids his eyes, turning around and walking back inside mumbling "It's your call" moments before Eddie brushes past her, he stalks towards me like a man on a mission, so I turn away from him, crossing my arms.

"Hey, don't do that, don't shut me down. Tell me what's got you so spooked?" Eddie sternly says, his voice softening word by word. His hand gently tugs at my arm, gesturing for me to turn around. As soon as I face Eddie, his brows knit together in concern.

"Vecna is more powerful than we thought," I begin, Eddie's shoulders slump a bit and before I can continue he cuts in.

"I thought you were gonna say he's latched onto you or something"

I stare at Eddie, my eyes fill with tears as I try to convey what I can't say right now. Eddie's face pales as he watches me.

"Shit" He whispers before darting forward and wrapping his arms around me, holding me tight so I don't fall apart completely. I let him hold me despite the fact we're standing up and in the open, my wishful thinking getting the better of me.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, we'll figure this out together." Eddie mumbles into my hair as I cling onto him, finally accepting the truth.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now