Every Night I Wonder

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It's been four months since Eddie and I concocted the most peculiar and stupid plan in the history of plans.

It's been three months since we carried out said plan. Now we both live together in an apartment outside of Hawkins.
Oh, and we're also married.
I'm officially Mrs Munson, not that Eddie's even said it out loud.

Our relationship has been agreed to be strictly of convenience. I needed desperately to get away from my parents, and luckily I had a lot of cash saved up to do so, I just needed an excuse. Eddie needed the money I had to offer, and apparently felt like saving me from a terrible situation.

I mean, Eddie and I get along quite well when we do actually spend time together, our high school friendship allowed us to know each other a fair bit, however I can't say we act like a couple.

We haven't slept in the same bed within the last few months, we still bicker about my cooking and I hate that he gets back from his shows at a ridiculous time at night, usually drunk and loud.

Tonight however, Eddie agreed to take me to a nearby bar so I could at least get out and actually have a normal conversation with someone. I miss our friends from Hawkins terribly, but I know that if I go back my guilt for leaving my toxic family will kick in.

"Aren't you ready yet?" Eddie sighs, his arms a crossed as he leans against the doorframe watching me. I shake myself out of my recent thoughts and pucker my lips, applying my lipstick carefully.

"All done." I smile turning to him after a few seconds. Eddie's lips twitch slightly until he nods and walks away. I sigh, standing up and grabbing my leather jacket.

Since the bar is only a short walk from our apartment we decide to brave the night. I walk along the path, looking up at the brightly shining stars until I trip. Eddie catches my arm and throws me a disapproving look.

"Can't you be more careful?" He mumbles.

"Well at least I didn't choke on a marshmallow." I retort childishly, walking ahead faster to avoid him. Eddie soon catches up thanks to his longer legs, and maneuvers next to me so he's walking closest to the road.

We eventually arrive at the bar, which is bustling at full of city folk. A band plays live as Eddie grabs my arm and leads me to a table in the corner, it's dim and the chairs squeak but it's better than being at home.

"You want a drink?" Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow as a smile at the happy atmphshere. I nod and reach into my pocket for money, but Eddie waves it off and heads for the bar, he stops and quickly turns around, his expression suddenly full of concern.

"Do you want to come with me? Or will you be okay for a sec?"

I give him an odd look, he's never usually so caring. "I'll be okay." I smile, watching as he nods more to himself before blending in with the crowd.

I sit on my own for a minute or so, watching as people chatter and laugh, I vaguely see people dance and kiss but I turn my head and focus on my lap.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all on your own?" A gruff voice says. I look up to see a man twice my age take the seat next to me, his arm rests on the back of my chair and my senses go into alert. I scan the crowd for Eddie but think better of it.

You know what, I deserve some attention after these lonely few months.

"I'm just here for a drink and some socialising." I politely say, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

The man watches me with determination, he licks his lips and moves closer to me. "I can keep you company for as long as you want sweetie."

"She's already got someone." Eddie says with a warning. Mine and the man's gazes land on Eddie who is holding our drinks, his eyes are narrowed on the man in a murderous gaze.

The man smiles and stands up, puffing his chest out like some bird. "Says who?"

Eddie places the drinks on the table and holds up his hand that displays his wedding band. The man's eyes widen and he shoots me a dirty look, then walks away.

"Did he touch you? Say anything messed up?" Eddie immediately asks taking the seat.

I huff leaning back, grabbing my drink and downing it. Eddie waits for my answer so I shake my head.

"Alright." Eddie says, letting out a relieved breath.

Suddenly I don't feel like being out, I just want to go home and be alone. The attention isn't worth it and I feel so stupid for this whole entire marriage thing.

"You should've said something to him." Eddie frowns, sipping his drink, his eyes look at me as if he's accusing me of something.

"Yeah, well we're not really together so it doesn't matter." I snap, then grab my jacket and head to the exit. I walk as fast as I can down the road, just as it begins to lightly rain. The streetlights cast an eerie glow on the roads and I begin to feel unsafe. I hear footsteps behind me and I spin around with my fists raised.

"It's me!" Eddie exclaims before striding towards me. He doesn't seem to be stopping so I back away until I hit the wall. Eddie follows until we're toe to toe.

I stare up into Eddie's eyes, I've never seen him so...possessive. Eddie suddenly grabs my left hand and holds it up between our faces.

"That ring on your finger," he drawls, "means you're mine. It means that nobody else gets to share you, not your name, not your secrets, hell not even your time."

I open my mouth to say something but Eddie isn't done. "If you're that unhappy then tell me, don't treat yourself like some cheap-"

"Unahppy?" I snap, pushing away from the wall and getting into Eddie face. "Why would I be happy with a husband that doesn't care about me!"

Eddie stares at me, watching as I bite my lip to hold back the tears. Little does he know I care about him, a lot more than I want to admit.

"You're right." Eddie quietly mumbles. My heart breaks as his eyes find mine. "I don't just care about you, I fucking love you. My life revolves around you and it's driving me insane. Every night I wonder if you'll ask me to join you, or if you'll fall asleep on me when we watch a movie. I hate that I love the way you dance around our kitchen, or how you toy with your ring when you're nervous."

My breath catches and I swear the floor is moving. "Eddie, I-"

He doesn't let me finish, suddenly his lips are on mine and his hands are in my hair, pulling it back so he can deepen the kiss. I gasp and press up onto my toes, my arms pull him closer as the rain falls heavier around us.

When we finally break apart we're panting and desperately clinging onto each other. "I'm your husband and I've done a shitty job, so let me make up for it. Please." Eddie murmurs.

I nod, grabbing his hand and linking our pinkies together as we head home.

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