The Best Day Ever

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AN: This was a request, but I've adapted it a little since ironically this is what I've got planned for my birthday next week.

I hop out of the van with a grin, I can't contain my excitement any longer so I run to the railing and stare at the grey sea beyond. The waves crash against the rocks and I feel Eddie's arms wrap around me from behind, his chin rests on the top of my head as he softly murmurs "This everything you hoped it'd be?"

I nod, turning my head to look at him. "I don't know how the rest of this day is going to beat this view." I say, leaning on my toes to peck Eddie's cheek.

He grabs my hand and tugs me up a path exiting the nearly empty car park, despite the overcast skies the temperature is still pretty warm. We walk through the quaint town, passing friendly faces and small cafes until Eddie stops outside of a small run down shop nestled between two fancy stores.

"What's this?" I ask with a confused smile. Eddie smiles knowingly then opens the door and gestures for me to go first. Hesitantly I step into the shop, immediately overcome with the smell of old books and a musty scent that must originate from the vintage style sofas.

I turn around to Eddie as he gazes down at me lovingly, before I dash to the oak shelves, my fingers scan the leather-bound novels of classics like Jane Eyre and Macbeth. "I love you so much," Eddie mumbles from behind me. I turn with a few books in my hand, shocked by the sudden outburst. Eddie doesn't often use the L word lightly.

"I love you too Eddie." I softly say with a frown. I take my books to the counter and watch as a cute old couple natter whilst ringing them up, Eddie passes them the money before I get a chance to, then grabs the bag and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"You too remind me of when we were younger." The old man says with a kind smile. I nod politely before thanking him and walking out of the store.

"What now?" I ask Eddie who narrows his eyes in excitement. I follow his gaze to see an arcade across the field, so I duck under his arm and point a finger at him. "Last one there has to buy ice cream!"

I run as fast as I can across the field, laughing as Eddie speeds past me, just before we reach the front door Eddie suddenly stops as I dash past him. Panting I give him a pointed look, watching as he strolls to me, lifting a single shoulder as if he's done nothing intentionally.

As soon as we step inside, the lights and numerous noises capture my attention. Eddie grins and rushes to Street Fighter, already pulling some coins from his pocket. I lean against a nearby wall, watching with nothing but love as he plays the game, his tongue peeks out of the side of his mouth as he concentrates. He mutters to himself and frowns, then fist bumps the air when he wins. When he does eventually lose the game some time later, he turns to me and picks me up unexpectedly.

"I've already won." He chuckles as I squeal for him to not drop me. We head over to a small air hockey table, I put in the money this time as Eddie walks to the opposite side.

"Sweetheart you're my favourite person and I'd never want to upset you, but I'm not letting you win this." He says with a smirk.

I scoff as the game begins, "Oh yeah? Well I'm about to kick your ass Munson." I grin as the puck slides towards me, I hit it towards the slot on Eddie's side and manage to win a point.

Eddie shakes his head looking disappointed, "That was just luck."

I nod sarcastically as the next round begins...

"Yes! I win, you lose, you're just a massive snooze!" I tease jumping up and down and sticking my tongue out at Eddie. He shrugs it off and pouts.

"I let you win."

"Sure" I drawl, smiling as I link our fingers together.

We play a few more games and Eddie wins me a giant plushie until my stomach begins growling and we agree to get something to eat. We walk hand in hand to a nearby restaurant that overlooks the sea.

"Let me pay for this," I say as sternly as I can as Eddie pulls out his wallet, I shoot him a look and he sighs, putting it away.

We eat our food and chat about random things until we've eaten way too much food and even more ice cream. Afterwards the sun begins to set over the sea, and I feel absolutely drained.

"You can sleep on the way home," Eddie murmurs as we walk back to his van, I nod letting out a yawn as Eddie kisses the top of my head.

"This has been the best day ever, thank you so much." I smile as we reach the van, Eddie nods.

"It's one I'll never forget, I'm glad it was spent with you." He replies as I climb into the van.

Eddie slips out of his jacket and passes it to me as I put my seat belt on. I get comfortable and drape it over me, resting my head against the window ready for a nap.

Eddie turns the music low as he reverses out of the car park, softly humming along to Black Sabbath as he drives us home, I fall asleep within minutes.

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