The Chiefs Daughter PART ONE

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"See you tomorrow" I say to my friend with a smile before closing the car door and watching her drive away, the red taillights look eerie in the dark so I rush up the steps of Hawkins Police Station, heading in to see familiar faces.

"Hey Y/N, have a good day at school?" One officer asks. I shrug politely and reply "Same as usual, busy day catching pumpkin thieves?"

He chuckles, shaking his head in a friendly way as I walk past. Other police officers wave at me from across the station, some mumble a "Hello " and others just glance at me. I'm used to all this by now, especially since my dad, police chief Jim Hopper, is kind of a big deal around here.

I pass my dad's best friend and deputy who tells me my dad is in his office writing up some paperwork. I hardly believe it, but I nod and take a seat in the corridor opposite some boy around my age. He looks kind of scruffy, with long brown hair and black ripped jeans. A chain dangles from his belt which jingles as he bounces his knee, as my gaze moves towards his face I suddenly realise I'm staring.

The boy watches me with narrowed eyes, so I shuffle in my seat and put my bag between my legs, feeling awkward. "I've seen you before." The boy mumbles, looking down as he toys with the numerous rings on his finger.

"Oh, are you the son of one of my dad's colleagues?" I ask with a small shy smile. The boy scoffs and shakes his head.

"Nope, definitely not," he drawls, then clears his throat as me meets my eyes, "Your dear old dad caught me selling some drugs to a classmate outside of school."

I stare for a second as my mind processes what he's confessing. I suddenly feel even more embarrassed and kind of scared, if he knows I'm Hoppers daughter will he now get revenge on me at school for his arrest?

"Don't look so worried, he'll just give me a good talking to and I'll be on my way, nothing to worry about," the boy adds after seeing my expression. My shoulders slump and I let out a small laugh.

"Guess you're not a very good dealer" I stupidly say, immediately regretting it, I try to cover up by adding "I don't mean that, well kind of, drugs aren't exactly good for you, but I mean you should have been more aware. Well not aware but-"

"Take a breath." The boy chuckles, his lips quirk into a smile as I take a deep breath, muttering a "Sorry" afterwards.

"I'm Eddie," he says, holding out a hand, I look between his hand and his eyes before hesitantly shaking it, introducing myself too.

"Stop talking to her, you're already getting princess treatment kid." My dad suddenly calls out from the open door, soon after Hopper stands there looking suspiciously between Eddie and I.

"I'll be done in a few minutes, I'm just trying to get hold of someone, alright?" My dad asks me. I nod and he gives me a smile then closes his door.

"Cute," Eddie smirks, "you go to Hawkins High too?" He asks, nodding at my bag.

"Yeah, not for long though since I graduate in a few weeks." I reply, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Me too," Eddie says leaning back, "Why haven't I seen you around at that hell hole?"

I shrug a shoulder, "Maybe you have. I usually sit away from people and spend most of my time in the library."

Eddie looks at me for a moment with fascination. I blush slightly and look away, watching as some police officers bring in some loud teenager shouting about "not stealing just borrowing".

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" Eddie randomly bursts out. My face slowly turns towards him as he stands up, stretching his arms above his head as he looks down at me. I don't like the level difference so I stand up, slinging my bag over my shoulder. It doesn't do much good though because Eddie still towers over me, he shoves his hands in his pocket and leans against the wall waiting for an answer.

"I don't know..." I lead off with a nervous laugh, "I hardly know you, I mean we literally met in a police station-"

"Actually we met at school," Eddie interjects, he nods to himself and smiles widely at me, "Yeah I remember. English class with Miss O' Donnell, you did some awesome presentation about some book by Oscar Child-"

"Wilde. And thank you, I think you're the only one who enjoyed it." I grin, "That was months ago, how'd you remember that?"

Eddie purses his lips as if contemplating whether to tell me or not. He sighs and runs a hand over his face. "Here goes, okay so maybe I haven't been entirely honest, I do actually know you from school, don't laugh but I think you're pretty cool and I've had this stupid crush on you for-" He stops when he realises what he's said.

I open my mouth then close it, not knowing how to respond. I don't need to though because my dad comes out of his office and points at Eddie. "No more dealing, the next time I catch you I'll make sure you do time so you learn."

Eddie nods, "Noted."

Hopper sighs and starts walking to the exit, so I look at Eddie one more time before following my dad.

"Y/N!" Eddie calls out, I turn around and shake my head but Eddie seems persistent. "See you at school?" He asks with a smirk.

I can't hold back my smile as I nod. Hopper throws me an unapproving look as he walks faster, holding the door open for me.

"When I say make friends I don't mean make friends with the local outcast." Hopper gruffly says.

"I'm not!" I defend, but even I know it sounds weak and untruthful.

I have a feeling this new development with Eddie isn't going to go down well with my dad...

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