Respect the Brain

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AN: In this imagine the reader has autism (hi fellow neurodivergents!). I'm beginning to run out of ideas so this one's more subtle and sweet with hints at it.

"So, date night tonight?" Eddie asks during lunch. I pause tearing the crusts off of my sandwich and glance at him with worry, surely by now he knows I don't like sudden plans.

"I'm joking," he smiles holding his hands up in a surrender, "but what about Friday? It gives you a few days to plan ahead right?" He asks.

I think on it for a second, then nod. "Sure, sounds fun." Eddie grins and steals one of my crusts, if anything at least our relationship gives him the opportunity to have a half decent lunch rather than him eating snacks throughout the day.

"What did you want to do? Bowling?" He asks curious.

I purse my lips, "It's a bit loud."


"Depend where. I don't like spicy foods and if it's busy I don't like eating in front of people, so that rules out Enzo's"

Eddie sighs, not disapprovingly, more like he's used to my preferences by now but he still tries. "I'm sorry I'm being awkward." I mumble, staring down at my food.

Eddie shakes his head and reaches out to touch my hand, this time I don't pull away, I'm slowly getting used to the contact. "It's alright, gotta respect the brain right?"

I smile and begin to eat my lunch as Eddie bites his lip in thought, then as if having an 'ah-ha!' moment he points his finger up. "What about a picnic, I know you like being in the woods?"

I nod excitedly, a huge smile tilts my lips as I wiggle in my seat. "A night time one so we can look at the stars? Ooh and maybe we can listen to the owls, hey did you know that owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees, isn't that cool?" I say as Eddie smiles amd listens to me, his thumb gently brushes the top of my hand, soothing me as my eyes dart around the soon filling up cafeteria.

"Want to come outside?" Eddie asks pulling out his pack of cigarettes once I'm done. I nod and pack my things up, then grab his hand feeling confident, Eddie squeezes it and leads me past the tables towards the door...

Friday night finally rolls around, Eddie picks me up at around seven as the sun begins to set and he takes me to his trailer since I'm staying the night. I unpack whilst Eddie finishes up preparing the picnic, refusing any help even though I've asked at least five times.

Once done, Eddie and I begin our walk into the woods with flashlights, we don't go far since it's a little dangerous, but far enough into a clearing where we can have privacy and not be stumbled upon.  Eddie sets down a blanket so I walk towards him, staring up at the stars until his hand grabs my shoulder, I break my gaze away and realise I was seconds away from walking right into him. He chuckles and sets me right, "What're you looking at?" He fondly asks as we sit.

I shrug and look up again, "The stars. Sky. Eddie, do you think there's other universes out there?"

Eddie shrugs as he grabs a flask of hot chocolate, pouring it into two mugs, making sure to pass me my favourite one. "Maybe, I know that if we existed in other universes we'd always be together."

"Like soulmates?" I whisper, Eddie brown eyes watch me with love as I sip on my drink. Eddie nods, picking up his own mug.

We talk about random things for a while whilst snacking on some of my favourite foods, mostly marshmallows since I love them. Eddie tries to catch some in his mouth, making me laugh as he backs away further and further, daring me to challenge him. Soon we're snuggled together leaning against a tree, fingers linked as Eddie tells me about his childhood and stuff he used to do with his dad.

I shiver as I listen, Eddie stops and offers his jacket, but I shake my head. He nods and grabs the bag, pulling out my own jacket. "Thought I'd give it a try, anyway here's yours, figured you'd forget it." He murmurs, passing me my own jacket.

I reach up and press a kiss to his cheek, blushing furiously as I shrug my own comfy jacket on, the familiar weight comforts me. Soon after we hear a hoot from a nearby tree, my eyes widen as Eddie grins at me, I nudge him excitedly.

"Did you hear that? Maybe there's a parliament of them?" I ask, Eddie quirks a brow up so I explain, "A group of owls is called a parliament." He nods and wraps an arm around me gently as I listen and grin into the dark.

Once it gets later Eddie packs up the things and leads me back to his trailer. "Did you have fun?" He asks once we get back inside.

I nod, rubbing my hands together to generate some heat. "It was so fun, thank you so much."

Eddie nods smiling, then gently cups my cheek. I gasp and Eddie pulls away, but he doesn't understand it wasn't from shock, it was from excitement. I grab his hand and put it back, then lean forward and press my lips to his. He kisses me back just softly enough for it to be a kiss since I'm still getting used to it all.

"You okay?" He asks after.

"Perfect." I mumble, wrapping my arms around him.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now