Be My Prevention

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AN: This imagine features drug taking and suicide attempts. Please take care and talk to someone if you feel this way. My DMs are open♡

I meet Eddie's eyes from across the corridor, giving him a small nod like I've seen the other students do. His eyebrows knit together in confusion and for a second I panic, but then he nods back and holds up two fingers, I'm assuming he means to meet at 2PM.

At quarter to two I begin the trek across Hawkins playing field to the woods where Eddie deals his drugs. I've never come out here before, so I'm filled with anxiety, however my desperation chips it away.

"Hello?" I call out, entering a clearing where I see a bench. I hesitate but go sit down, my knee bounces as I check my watch, counting down the agonising minutes until Eddie finally appears five minutes before he should.

"Oh hey, I didn't realise you'd be here yet." He says, appearing kind of nervous. I politely smile, pulling out the money from my pocket.

"I just need some pills or something, anything to...numb it all." I mumble, my eyes watering from the stupidity of it all. I never wanted to turn to drugs, but I'm hanging on by a thread and I'm scared that if I don't find a way to cope I'll...I don't know.

"Are you sure? You don't seem like the type to-"


Eddie purses his lips together and watches me for a second before nodding and reaching into his box, pulling out a small bag with a few white pills. "This'll make you sleep, just don't mix it with anything and only take one every few hours."

I nod, throwing the money onto the table and snatching the bag like some desperate addict, I hate that this is who I've become. "Thank you Eddie." I murmur, briefly turning my head and meeting his concerned eyes. He opens his mouth to speak but I'm already walking away.

As soon as I get home I find a note on the fridge telling me my parents have gone on a buisness trip, AKA they're too busy for me right now and want to pretend I don't exist for another weekend.

I scoff, throwing the note into the trash as I reach above the cupboards for dad's secret bottle of whiskey. I hop down from the counter and go to my room, putting on some music and flopping onto my floor.

I finally exhale, letting all my breath and words out in a single sigh. Staring up at the white ceiling, the loneliness begins to kick in already. I'm fed up of being alone. Sick of being ignored. Tired of everything.

I sit up, grabbing my bag and pulling out the crinked packet, I pull out a pill and roll it between my fingers, contemplating for a second until I open the whiskey and swallow it down in a mouthful, cringing at the sour taste.

I lay back down, waiting for the effects to kick in. My eyes feel drowsy after a few minutes, and I feel my body go in and out of consciousness. I don't know how much time passes, but once my head begins to feel clear again it's dark outside, the music has long stopped and my heart begins to feel again.

I stare at the rest of the pills, then in a moment of determination I pop a few into my mouth and chug the whole bottle of drink, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Maybe I'll fall asleep and never wake up, if I'm lucky.

A knock at the door stirs me out of my thoughts, groggily I make my way downstairs with a wobble, by time I get to the door the doorbell has rung more times than I can count.

I reach for the handle but as soon as I do the door bursts open, a frantic Eddie storms in, his eyes wide and worried. "Shit, how many did you take?" He asks, closing the door behind him with his foot as his arms wrap around me, my world tilts as he scoops me up and carries me upstairs, pausing at each door until he finds the bathroom.

He sits in the bathtub with me between his legs, then suddenly opens my mouth and sticks his fingers down my throat. I gag and my eyes water, my eyes half close and I can vaguely hear his pleads for me to stay with him.

I think I'm sick. A lot. I squint to see the pills making their way down the drain, I already feel less sleepy and more like a hammer is hitting my skull.

"Damn it, why would you do this? I should've knew." Eddie softly says, his arms wrap around me as I lean back, savouring his warmth as I shiver.

"I don't have anyone. How'd you know to do all of this?" I groan, reaching for the sides of the tub to haul myself out.

"You're not the first to try and kill yourself like that." He whispers so genuinely that I pause, turning around to look at him.

His eyes sadly lift to mine as he shrugs, not giving any further explanation. I frown and sit back down, nuzzling into his chest as he hugs me.

"Please don't do it again, the world needs an Eddie Munson to save damsels in distress." I mumble.

Eddie's hand reaches up and strokes my hair, "I'll be your prevention if you be mine." He whispers.

I nod, gripping his shirt, feeling understood and confused. Things are bad at the moment, really bad, but I know now that ending it all is just the easy way out, maybe I should stick around to see what happens next.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now