Learning Language

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AN: This imagine features a reader where English isn't their first language.

I frown as I watch Eddie and Jeff speak eratically about something, I try to keep up with the conversation but my mind doesn't process some of the words, so I sit back and cross my arms, feeling left out.

Eddie notices I don't reply or engage as usual, frowning as he turns to look at me. "Everything okay?" He asks worriedly, his eyes scan me head to toe as if the answer is written on my skin.

I shake my head as the rest of the table talks. "I don't..." I sigh and run a hand through my hair nervously, "I can't keep up, I don't understand some of the things you say. Not just you, everyone."

Eddie nods as his brows knit together in thought, I can almost see the cogs working as he thinks. He points a finger up a few seconds later and packs up his things, he stands and holds out a hand for me, I take it and he leads me away without saying goodbye to the group.

We weave through the hallways until we reach our favourite place, the library. Eddie finds us a table and makes himself at home, rummaging around for a notebook and some pencils. I arch a brow watching curiously as he scribbles some things down.

"I'll be back in a sec." He smiles, kissing my head quickly before disappearing between the shelves. I sit patiently, twirling my hair around my finger until he comes back a short time later with a book in hand, I read the title, my eyes widen as I see it's a book in my language.

"What's this for?" I finally ask.

Eddie smiles knowingly at me before sliding me his notebook filled with scribbles, I read it to find some phrases I've heard Eddie and his friends use but I don't understand.

"We're gonna translate these into something you can understand, this way we can both learn the same thing at the same time, and I can impress you with my impeccable trait of fast learning."

"Impe- what?" I ask, not knowing what the word means.

Eddie doesn't laugh, he flicks through the dictionary in my language until he finds it, he points at it as he shows it to me. I read it, now understanding.

"Impeccable." I say aloud, wicning at my pronunciation. Eddie grins as he nods enthusiastically.

"That's perfect, want to try some more?"

I nod, and we spent the rest of lunch translating things I don't understand, Eddie's a patient teacher and helps me when I'm stuck, even using his notebook to jot down easier ways to understand. During the time Eddie also asks me how to say things in my own language, he was right about being a fast learner, by the end of the day he's speaking full sentences to me in my own language.

"Anything you're confused about just write down or ask me and we can translate it or I'll let you know what it means, you don't have to feel excluded anymore, alright?" Eddie softly tells me as he drives me home.

I nod, holding his hand and saying something new I learnt today, earning a proud chuckle from Eddie.

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