You're A Criminal, So Am I

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"Hands up. Drop the can and step away from the wall." A harsh voice says from behind me, I freeze and do as I'm told, dropping the can of spray paint before turning around to the bright headlights of the cop car, a police officer is stood facing me holding out a taser. Seconds later I'm being escorted into the car and driven to the police station, luckily no cuffs.

"Can't you just let me go? It's not like I was hurting anyone." I plead, gripping onto the metal divider separating the cop from me.

He shakes his head, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he changes the radio, I notice it's coming up to two in the morning.

"No can do missy, you're propaganda bullshit is over."

I snort as I cross my arms and lean back. "Propaganda? I'm just stating facts, the jocks that hang out at old Benny's are narcissistic asshol-" I begin, but the cop holds up a hand to shush me as we approach the station.

Once parked he pulls me out and grabs onto my arm, escorting me inside where only a few cops reside sleepily, the smell of coffee fills the air and it's practically silent aside from the click clacks of computer keys.

"This way," the cop grunts dragging me to the back where I presume the cells are, I suddenly get nervous and begin to back away but he either doesn't notice or doesn't care, "lucky for you there's company."

He shoves me into the cell and slams it shut within seconds, I grab onto the bars and watch as he leaves the room. I sigh and turn around to meet my fellow criminal, however surprised isn't even the beginning of how I feel, I'm absolutely shocked to the core.

"Eddie?!" I gasp, my eyes widening as his do the same, he stands up and rushes over to me, his hands immediately find my shoulders as he leans down, he scans me head to toe, his eyebrows knitting together as he takes in my all black attire and bandana around my neck.

"Y/N? What the hell are you doing here of all places? Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

I nod, "Yeah, I- wait why are you here?"

Eddie gives me a pointed look before explaining, "I got caught dealing earlier, but I'm still waiting for Wayne to pick me up, he's still at work so..."

I purse my lips together in empathy, Eddie pulls back and sits down on the bench, he looks up to me expecting me to explain my own conundrum.

I take a breath and avoid my eyes, "Okay, I guess there's no avoiding it, but you can't tell anybody else at school," Eddie just stares, "so I'm kind of like the local graffiti menace, the once you've probably heard about on the news and shit, but I swear I'm only doing it because changes are needed in this town, I'm just pointing them out!" I ramble, by the time I'm done Eddie's lips are quirked up and he's looking at me with an amused expression.

"I knew you were too perfect, there had to be something underneath and I'm right." He murmurs, I roll my eyes but find myself smiling anyway, my legs are tired so I take the spot next to him, our shoulders touch as I lean my head against his arm.

"I didn't even get to complete my main quest," I whisper with a sad smile, looking up at Eddie he narrows his eyes, "I wanted to tag Hawkins Post, from what Nancy's told me their a bunch of sexist assholes who care more about coffee than a valid story, especially if said story is written by a woman. It's fucking ridiculous!"

Eddie nods, "That does sound bad, I know Nancy's a great writer for the school paper, and women aren't here just to make coffee, they can cook too."

I frown and shoot him a look, but his eyes crinkle as he holds up his hands in a surrender, "I'm kidding! No seriously, you're right, women deserve more respect and power, I'm glad you're trying."

My shoulders relax now I know I don't have to upgrade my arrest to a murder, Eddie lets out a sigh and stretches out his legs.

Minutes later the angry cop that pulled me in comes back looking even more pissed. He grabs some keys from his belt and unlocks the door, holding it wide open. Eddie and I stay still until the cop snaps, "Whaddya want, an invitation? You're free to go."

Eddie and I look at each other suspiciously but don't say anything, Eddie stands up first and extends a hand for me, I take it as he pulls me up and doesn't let go.

"Seems like Chief Hopper has a soft spot for young criminals such as yourselves, he agreed to let you go on the terms of if you get caught again you'll both be doing real time, not just a sleepover." The cop explains before giving us back our things.

Eddie and I nod, then walk out of the station, both on edge until we're in the car park and Eddie's van is near. We stop and look to each other, then burst out laughing, doubling over and whacking each other to stop. After some time Eddie holds up his keys and nods to the van.

"Want a ride home?" He asks with a smile.

I nod, giving him one back, he begins to walk to the drivers side then pauses, for a second he thinks then turns to me. "Don't lie to me here, but are you really going to give up your...hobby?"

I bite my lip, the same thing has been rattling my brain for the last hour. I shake my head, decision made. "I can't, if I don't do something who will?"

Eddie nods as if he predicted this. We get into the van and Eddie starts it up, he turns to me with a knowing grin. "How do you feel about making a necessary trip to Hawkins Post?"

I roll my eyes, "I'd love to, but they didn't give the paint back."

Eddie points to the back of the van, I turn to see a can of white spray paint rolling about. My head swivels back to Eddie. "I used it for Corroded Coffin posters ages ago, it's yours if you want it."

A smile tilts my lips as I nod, "Yeah, let's do this. Partners in crime?" I ask holding out my pinkie.

Eddie loops his with mine, looking at me with a strange expression, his eyes linger just a tad longer than normal. "Til arrest do us part." He mumbles.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now