I Know Someone... PT 1

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Eddie POV:

"Mike can't make it tonight, he's going out of town with the rest of the Wheelers for some family thing." Dustin tells me at lunch, Mike avoids my eyes from across the table as I glare at him.

"And you're not old enough to stay in Hawkins alone?" I sarcastically ask as I grab a pretzel and shove it into my mouth, chewing loudly on purpose.

Mike opens and closes his mouth before waving his arms up. "Grandma told me I can't back out, and she always gives me like ten dollars when I see her."

The rest of Hellfire laugh at his excuse, and I suppose I should lay off of him, I kind of get his point, if I had any family that cared about me I'd want to see them too.

"I can find a sub for tonight's game-" Mike begins, but I hold up a finger to silence him.

"It's alright, I know someone who can join."

Dustin narrows his eyes at me, "Who?" He asks suspiciously.

"None of your business Henderson," I smugly say, then add for the rest of the group, "but this person is very important, so you've all gotta play like you've never played before, remember it's Hellfire Club not chess, let's have a intense game alright?"

The group nods eagerly, I grin at them feeling excited and proud of my fellow friends, and I can't wait for them to meet my girl...


"Pleeeassee? I said you'd be there." Eddie whines through the phone, I huff a laugh as I finish fixing my hair.

"Fine, but you owe me a good date in Hawkins if I'm coming over, and I'm staying at yours." I reply in defeat, I can visualise Eddie's winning grin as he leans against the wall of his trailer.

"Duh, I'm not letting you stay in some run down hotel, I'll see you at Hawkins High." Eddie mumbles before making a kiss noise and hanging up.

After an hour and a half drive I arrive outside of the school, Hawkins is only one town over from where I live and thankfully the roads were fairly empty. I leave my things in the car aside from some DnD stuff and follow Eddie's directions into the school and down the corridors, my eyes soak up the posters and classrooms, it's so interesting seeing the place where Eddie spends five days a week.

I notice an open door and some voices from inside, I'm hesitant until I see a Hellfire poster. I'm definitely in the right place. With a deep breath I step in, red and orange lights shine onto a massive table that's set up, numerous people of different ages sit around it talking, and I finally see Eddie at the end of the table sitting in some throne.

"Y/N!" Eddie exclaims as he sees me, the others look at me in confusion just as Eddie gets up and rushes over to me, I wrap my arms around his middle as he kisses my cheek.

"Hey you," I grin up at him, "I told you I'd be on time." Eddie gives me a look as he links his hand with mine and leads me to the table, I glance at the others who still stare at me in shock.

"This is the important person?" A kid I think is Dustin asks, he's the only one who looks amused rather than confused.

"Important person? Eddie what have you been telling them?" I laugh as Eddie gestures for me to sit next to him, he passes me a can of Mountain Dew, clicking open the lid for me.

"Nothing, he's told us nothing, especially not the fact that he's got a girlfriend." One kid says, hea wearing a red plaid top and has curly flyaway hair.

I sip on my drink as Eddie takes a seat, he fiddles with a D20 watching me with admiration. "You guys didn't need to know, anyway we're not here to have a chat, we're here to slay orcs."

I smirk, putting down my drink and opening the folder I brought with my DnD supplies, I'm not an avid player but Eddie practically forced me to create a character and play a few campaigns with him before, so I'm not a complete newbie.

"It's nice to finally meet you all, Eddie talks about you all so much, especially you." I smile at the group, looking at Dustin.

They all look shocked, and kind of amazed by me. Eddie sighs as he taps my nose, "Alright, stop spilling all my secrets."

"Psssh, I could tell them about the time you tried to-" I begin but Eddie gives me a pointed look, so with a smile I stop.

Eddie begins giving us a rundown of the game, as usual when storytelling he uses different voices, giving me winks in-between which make me blush.

We play the campaign, it's actually really fun and the group embraces me completely, treating me as one of their own.

We defeat the orcs and save the kingdom, it's around nine in the evening by time we're done. I yawn as everyone begins packing up their things, Eddie beckons me to him with a finger so I get up and perch on his lap, his arms wrap around me as he finally gives me a kiss on the lips.

"How're you feeling? Did you like it?" He asks softly.

I nod, cupping his cheek, "It was great, I'm just tired from the drive and all the excitement."

Eddie's nose nuzzles my cheek as the others wave at us, saying their goobyes. I wave back, insisting we'll all hang out again soon.

Eddie squeezes me tight once their gone, "I'm kinda jealous, I think they like you more than they like me."

I laugh as I shake my head, "Don't be ridiculous, I can tell they think a lot of you."

Eddie sighs happily as we hug for a while, after we clear up and both drive to his trailer where we finally have some us time.

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