Shield to my Sword

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TW: Self harm, abuse.
Please take caution, your mental health matters♡

Eddie kisses me fiercely, pushing me against the wall as I wrap my legs around his waist, he gives me a small smile as he pulls back a bit, his arms keep me close to him as he carries me to his bed and puts me on my back, straight away his lips are back on mine, his hands roam up my top as I buck my hips against his, urging him to hurry up and stop teasing.

"Someone's impatient," he smirks, leaning back to pull of my top slowly, as soon as he sees me Eddie freezes, and for a second I wonder why he's looking at me with such shock, but then I remember.

Fuck, how could I let this happen, how could I forget about the numerous scars and cigarette burns that cover my body. Eddie probably thinks I'm some kind of fucked up misfit who-

"Did someone do this to you?" Eddie softly asks, his voice almost a whisper. My shoulders tense and I no longer feel in the mood, if anything I just want to run. I snatch my top from Eddie's loose grasp and slip it over my head, then stand and head for the door with my lip wobbling.

Eddie's hand catches mine, "Did you do this to yourself?" He asks, his voice cracking as his face fills with concern. I avert my eyes, standing still as I stare at the ground. Eddie pulls me to him, and I let him. His arms encircle me as I perch on his lap, his hand brushes through my hair as the tears I tried to fight back finally run down my cheeks.

"Sweetheart, you can tell me anything, you know that right?" He murmurs as I lean my head against his shoulder, his other hand rests on my thigh, but I can feel it shaking.

"Some-" I break off with a sharp inhale, Eddie waits for me to begin again, patiently stroking my hair to soothe me, "Maybe I'm not who you thought I was, sometimes I hurt and it's not always just in my head." I mumble, unable to specifically say the reasoning behind the scars and marks.

"You're still my person, regardless of what's on your body, you're still a human like me who isn't perfect but tries, you're working through some things and I'll be here for you, whenever you need me. I love you so much, all I ever want to do is protect and cherish you like you deserve." Eddie breathes out, pressing a kiss to my temple to seal his words.

I nod, the honesty and rawness in his tone has made me feel a little better for now. "I'm sorry you had to see them, I guess I should've warned you but things got heated and..." I lead off.

Eddie gives me a small smile, "Yeah, you're hot as hell and I can't keep my hands off of you sweetie."

I let out a small laugh, playfully hitting his shoulder until Eddie continues. "But seriously, you're beautiful inside and out, nothing about this changes the way I feel about you, you're the love of my life."

I smile, pressing my lips to Eddie's as he leans back on the bed, turning us around so I'm on my back yet again, but this time Eddie lies on top of me with his hand cupping my face, he looks at me with a goofy smile, as if he literally cannot contain how much love he has for me.

"I love you too Eddie, thank you for being you." I whisper, wrapping my arms around him as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"There's nobody else I'd rather be, especially if you're with me."

I thought my scars would scare Eddie off, maybe he'd think differently of me and wouldn't want me anymore, but tonight has showed me that he cares, he really does love me and I know deep down Eddie will stand by my side through anything, and that knowledge makes me feel a little less alone in this world that tries to beat me down, Eddie's the shield to my sword, protecting me as much as he can whilst I fight my battles.

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