The Iconic Tee

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"I don't know, I feel like we should have something iconic, something to represent us?" Eddie asks exaggeratedly as he lies on my lap, his brown wide eyes stare up at me, the joint he was smoking lingers in the ashtray as I run my fingers over his jawline.

"Isn't Hellfire iconic enough with just its name? I can tell you that there's massive uproar with the older people in Hawkins." I smile as Eddie huffs like a child, I lean down and kiss his head, "I can try and draw something? God knows what you'd use it for though." I offer.

Eddie tries to sit up but I hold him down and wrap my arms around him, hugging him to my chest like a human teddy bear. "Uh-uh, we agreed to have some us time." I mumble as Eddie groans and snakes an arm around my waist, getting comfortable as he closes his eyes.

"We are, you're the one who's got a death grip on me."

"It's called cuddling Munson" I smirk as he lets out a calm breath and falls asleep.

I sigh, death glaring the joint on the side. Without waking Eddie I grab my journal and begin doodling some designs for Hellfire, some are ridiculous but others are actually pretty cool. In the end I settle for a demonic face with a flaming sword and mace, colouring them in red, black and yellow.

When Eddie wakes up around an hour later, I grin as he blinks at me, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands. "You didn't draw something on my face, right?" Eddie mumbles touching his head as he rolls off of me and sits up.

I shake my head and show him the drawing, his eyebrows knit together as he takes it in, and at first I worry he doesn't like it, but then he suddenly jumps on top of me with his arms open, rapidly kissing my face. "This is perfect! It's everything Hellfire is!"

I grin and wrap my legs around him as he sits up with me in his lap, Eddie reaches out and gently caresses the back of my neck as I lean my forehead to his. "I thought maybe you could all have matching pins? Or tees?"

Eddie nods, kissing my lips once. "I'll talk to the others but I think we should do it."

I smile seeing how happy Eddie is, I know how much Hellfire means to him since it was 'passed down' to him from the original DM. Eddie's really brought Hellfire out from the dark since.

"You'll wear one too, right?" Eddie mumbles, looking up at me with hope.

I nod but say "But I'm not a member?"

Eddie waves it off as he nudges his chin up with his head and proceeds to kiss my neck. "Doesn't matter, you're one of us no matter what, besides seeing you in my clothes really turns me on."

"Eddie!" I laugh, letting a small moan slip out as he kisses me harder.

"What?" He chuckles defensively, "You're gorgeous, I should tell you that more."

A few days later Eddie and I, as well as the rest of the Hellfire Club, sit at our usual table in the cafeteria with our new matching tees, together we actually look like a collective, like we all belong together.

"Hey freaks, I better not see those satanic shirts tomorrow!" The asshole jock of the school Jason calls out from his table opposite from us. The others in Hellfire look nervous, they were already hesitant about the idea, now they'll definitely back out.

"Hey dumbass, I better not see your face again tomorrow, it's already ruined my day today, please don't let it ruin tomorrow's." I sarcastically retort, earning a snort from Eddie who holds my hand from under the table.

Jason stares at me before turning back to his friends. "I'll be back." I mutter to Eddie, standing up and grabbing my bag.

I make my way to the men's changing rooms, luckily it's empty so I sneak in and find the lockers. These ones aren't code required, they just padlock, so I grab a pin from my hair and break into each one, replacing the classic Hawkins Tigers basketball shirts with Hellfire ones, the team will have no choice but to wear them for tomorrow's big game.

When I get back to the table, Eddie eyes me up suspiciously, so I shut him up with a devilish kiss. "We should all go to the game tomorrow, trust me it's going to be on fire, maybe...Hellfire?"

Eddie smirks and nods along with the others.

As hugely anticipated, the Hawkins Tigers all jog out wearing the usual green and white shorts, paired with Hellfire tees. None of them look impressed and are met with gasps from the audience, Eddie and I laugh quietly, playfully hitting each other to be quiet.

Jason's eyes meet mine as he death glares me, so I flip him my middle finger as I grin. I know I'll get in trouble, but it was so so worth it.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝓔𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼/ 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now